Script/Storyboard originally submitted on 12/19/09
Diana asked,” Can I play?”
“Sure, if you can play well,” argued Jazmine.
“Have you seen me play, I can kick the ball past that fence and ….,”babbled Diana.
Jazmine complained,” Okay, okay, you can play if you just stop talking!”
“Oh, its on,” Diana said,” I can beat you in my sleep.”
“In your dreams,” Jazmine said.
( Jazmine puts the ball in the middle of the goal.)
( Jazmine and Diana get in front of the goals and put one foot ahead of them.)
(X-treme Close-up of Jazmine’s eyes.)” Squinching”
(X-treme Close-up of Diana’s eyes.)”Squinching”
(They both run to kick the ball in Slow Motion.)
(Shows Jazmine’s foot trying to kick the ball.)
( Jazmine gets there first and kicks it into the goal.)
Jazmine said,” So, now do you think you can beat me?”
” Well… no,” admitted Diana,” but I’m glad you won, you deserve it.”
“Thanks,” said Jazmine,” but don’t be dissappointed, you did great, honest.”
( Director is narrator and says : Eventually they became best friends for life and always played together.)
It was very interesting and I liked that you had emotion. I really liked the music choice and the part were you were running in slow motion. Some of the credits need to be changed but so far on it is great.
I loved the voiceover. Why are you magicly by diana’s goal when you where by yours. I loved the way the music fades away.
I was by Diana’s goal because I ran to it so I could make the goal. I worked hard on the voiceover.
Your story board is long. Your scropt was well written.
Thanks for the comment I put a lot of effert into it.
That kick was cool.I love the voiceover.
Thanks I tryed to make it as interesting as possible. I worked hard on the voiceover.
You did a great job! It’s nice how Diana said she was glad for you.
I liked how both of you thought that each of you were better than each other so it will seem like a competition for us.
I tryed to make it a competition in the beginning and at the end we became friends.
The movie was really cool. I liked it because it imvolved a sport.
Thanks for liking my movie. And actually, everyones second movie involved action.
Great shots. Love the video because I love soccer to.
I tryed to make as many different shots possible. My favorite sport is soccer to.
I really liked the lines they are well expressed. I couldn’t hear Diana.
I apologize if you couldn’t hear Diana but it wasn’t our falt, the wind was blowing really bad.