Script/Storyboard/Movie: Jazmine’s Second Movie

Script/Storyboard originally submitted on 12/19/09

Diana asked,” Can I play?”
“Sure, if you can play well,” argued Jazmine.
“Have you seen me play, I can kick the ball past that fence and ….,”babbled Diana.
Jazmine complained,” Okay, okay, you can play if you just stop talking!”
“Oh, its on,” Diana said,” I can beat you in my sleep.”
“In your dreams,” Jazmine said.
( Jazmine puts the ball in the middle of the goal.)
( Jazmine and Diana get in front of the goals and put one foot ahead of them.)
(X-treme Close-up of Jazmine’s eyes.)” Squinching”
(X-treme Close-up of Diana’s eyes.)”Squinching”
(They both run to kick the ball in Slow Motion.)
(Shows Jazmine’s foot trying to kick the ball.)
( Jazmine gets there first and kicks it into the goal.)
Jazmine said,” So, now do you think you can beat me?”
” Well… no,” admitted Diana,” but I’m glad you won, you deserve it.”
“Thanks,” said Jazmine,” but don’t be dissappointed, you did great, honest.”
( Director is narrator and says : Eventually they became best friends for life and always played together.)






  1. It was very interesting and I liked that you had emotion. I really liked the music choice and the part were you were running in slow motion. Some of the credits need to be changed but so far on it is great.

  2. I loved the voiceover. Why are you magicly by diana’s goal when you where by yours. I loved the way the music fades away.

    • I was by Diana’s goal because I ran to it so I could make the goal. I worked hard on the voiceover.

  3. I liked how both of you thought that each of you were better than each other so it will seem like a competition for us.

  4. I really liked the lines they are well expressed. I couldn’t hear Diana.


    • I apologize if you couldn’t hear Diana but it wasn’t our falt, the wind was blowing really bad.

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