

  1. On a cold December night I heard these ruckus so I went out to look. It was kind of dark outside but I got a candlestick and the lamp posts. All I saw was Mohawk Indians and they were dumping all the tea. What was weird was that they cleaned up afterwards. That is all.

  2. On a cold December night I was asleep and I heard all these ruckus outside so I went out to take a look. It was kind of dark outside but I got a candlestick and the lamp posts. All I saw was a few Mohawk Indians. They were dumping all the tea. What was weird was that they cleaned up afterwards. I was a little curious though. Why would they clean up ? It took about five to nine hours for them to be finish. After that they walk away in a straight line. That is all.

  3. Cop: “So. Where were you and what did you see December 16, 1773.”
    Me: “I was at home asleep and loud sounds of the water splashing. I lookes out my window to see what was happening and felt the cold breeze of that winter. I lit a candle and stuck it into a lantern for better lighting and to help cut through the fog. What I saw was absolutaly terrible. To my suprise, I saw what appeared to be Mohawk Indians pooring tea into the harbor. All I could think of was the perfectly good tea being wasted. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Several thousands of people came around the boats to watch the destruction take place. I stayed and watched for a moment, thinking I should go to bed, and then saw them start to clean up. They were actually quite pollite and organized for criminals. When they were finally done they showed an officer what they had done adn marched away as the music of a fife played.”

    Cop: “Thank you mam. We’ll try to catch who ever did this as soon as possible. If you have anymore information let us know.”

  4. Cop: “So. Where were you and what did you see December 16, 1773.”
    Me: “I was at home asleep & the loud sounds of the water splashing. I looked out my window to see what was happening and felt the cold breeze of that winter night. I lit a candle and stuck it into a lantern for better lighting & to help cut through the fog. What I saw was absolutaly terrible. To my suprise, I saw what appeared to be Mohawk Indians pooring tea into the harbor. All I could think of was the perfectly good tea being wasted. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Several thousands of people came around the boats to watch the destruction take place. I stayed & watched for a moment, thinking I should go to bed, & then saw them start to clean up. They were actually quite pollite and organized for criminals. When they were finally done they showed an officer what they had done & marched away as the music of a fife played.”

    Cop: “Thank you ma’m. We’ll try to catch who ever did this as soon as possible. If you have anymore information let us know.”

  5. On a cold December night I was asleep and I heard all these ruckus outside so I went out to take a look. It was kind of dark outside but I got a candlestick and the lamp posts. All I saw was a 100 or more Mohawk Indians. They were dumping all the tea. What was weird was that they swept up afterwards. I was a little curious though. Why would they clean up ? It took about six to seven hours for them to be finish. After that they walk away in a straight line to the music of the fife.

  6. December 16 , 1773
    It was a cold night on December 16, 1773 when I was sleeping but then I woke up Because of all the commotion that was happening outside. So I went outside and saw Mohawk indians dumping boxes of tea in the Boston Harbor. There was like five hundred Mohawk indians all on the three cargoes. Several thousand people had gathered to watch in silent approval from the wharf. It was weird nothing but the tea was disturbed , and ” not the least insult was offered to anyone” a guy named John Andrews reported. Now the hundreds of chests of tea was now floating away with the tide and waves.

  7.    nbsp; On December 16,1773 some Patriots including me dressed in discuised as Mohawk Indians. I was a shoemaker who was a Patriot. We smeared our faces with red coal and were covered up in blankets. After we got dressed, we got seperated into 3 groups because there were 3 boats. There was 342 chests of tea that England had shipped over to us but we threw it all into the harbor. We couldn’t be known or else they’d throw us in prison. I joined the Boston Tea Party because i didn’t like to pay taxes and buying tea costs lots of money and it wasn’t fair. Several thousand people were cheering and inside i felt scared that i might get caught and the Loyalists would throw me into prison but then i got over it. After we had tooken care of the tea, we started marching while the person plays the fife. It was the best night ever because i always wanted to do something like this.

  8.     December 16,177

      On a cold winter night, we painted our faces with coal dust, red paint, and wrapped blankets around us. I am a patriot that was a blacksmith. We all dressed up as “Mohawk Indians” because we didn’t want to be recognized. Each of us carried hatchets and clubs. It was a fun night. We were dumping tea because we don’t like King George and we didn’t like the taxes. It was a little bit scary about thinking that getting caught. There was about 200 men & boys out there with us. We were divided into 3 groups because there was 3 ships. We started Late at night and we were done before dawn. Thousands of other patriots came out to watch us. All we did was dump tea, nothing else. We cleaned up anything that we weren’t suppose to mess with. Soon, we all fell in line & marched for a long time. But that was a great night!

  9. On a cold December night I was asleep and I heard all these ruckus outside so I went out to take a look. It was kind of dark outside but I got a candlestick and the lamp posts. All I saw was a 100 or more Mohawk Indians. They were dumping all the tea. What was weird was that they swept up afterwards. I was a little curious though. Why would they clean up ? It took about 4 to 5 hours for them to be finish. After that they walk away in a straight line to the music of the fife.

  10.     December 16, 1773

        I was sleeping, and then all of asudden I hear boxes breaking and stuff being poured into the sea. I got up and looked through my window and I saw Mohawk Indians pouring tea into the ocean I saw three groups one on each ship. I was curious about seeing Mohawk Indians doing something like it. Then, I saw a couple thousand people gathering around them, it looked like they were cheering for them but silently. It was weird because most of them I did not recognize. I went to get the door to get a closer look dut I saw the with hatchetsand clubs so I changed my mind the all the ship were lit up with lanterns, and torches. Then after a few hours they were done.they were sweeping the deck. Te whole time I saw a officer woke up some other people and said nothing the whole time it was really weird. Then the Indians marched in a line with the song with a fife. Then the next morning I told a cop everything I saw.

  11.      I just woke up because of all of the noice outside,it sounded like something hitting the water.I opened the window and saw about five hundred indians. It was cold that night but it was lite as day because of all the torches and lamps. The Indians where all pouring the tea into the Boston harbor. After making a mess they started to clean up by sweping and putting everything back. They started to march off the ship to a song. So that is what happened that night.

  12.     First we put on make-up and then costumes, we disguesed ourself as Mowhawk indians. Then we all gathered at a blacksmith shop near the wharf. We dicussed our plan. Then we went outside to the action.There where three birtish merchant ships with crates of the fine tea. Then we went on the ships and sailled out. We started pouring out the tea into the water. We dumped every pound of tea into the shining waters of the harbor. We sailed back to the dock. They all gave us their silent approval.

  13.      In December 16,1773 I was inside my house sleeping until I heard a noise. I looked outside my window to see what it was, there was four hundred “Mohawk Indians” dumping tea out of three ships. When they were done dumping the tea, they started to sweep and clean up the mess. Which made me wonder. Then I saw the “Mohawk Indians” march in a line while someone played the fife.

  14.      On December 16, 1773 it was a cold day in Boston. I came down to a secret meeting place, seeomg men dressed as Mohawk Indians.They put on red paint on their faces and wrapping blankets around us. We went down to the Griffin Wharf down to the ship filled with tea. Many peoplefrom Boston were on the Wharf. There were blacksmiths, masons, shipwrights etc. Famous people also came down to help keep it ordered. We opened the crates of tea dumping it all to the sea. This wa all because of the unfair taxes. my heart was pumping really fast knowing I might get caught or arrested. It took many hours to get rid of all the tea because there were so many. We had many torches and lanterns,many Patriots came to watch in approval. After all the tea was gone, whatever we made a mess of we cleaned it up. Everything was where it was suppose to be except for the tea floating away. We “Indians” later marched away to the sound of music. An admiral had been watching and told us “Indians” you’ve got to pay the bill. They told the admiralto come dwn and we’ll pay the bill.When the admiral heard that he shut the window shut.

  15. December 16 , 1773
    It was a cold winter day, I had a hard day at work so I was sleeping.I woke up to the sound of water splashing.I looked out of my window and saw about five hundred Mohawk indians dumping tea into the Boston Harbor.It was an outrageous sight.The only thing they destroyed was the tea.They even swept the boat and picked up drop stuff.Heck,The Ship was cleaner then before.Then I saw them march in line to the music of a fife and left.

  16.     On December 16, 1773 we had so much fun! We disguised ourself as “Mohawk Indians” even though we are really Patriots and I am a shoe maker. We blackened our faces so that we would not be recognized. We dumped alll of the tea into the harbor.Incomplete

  17.       First, we got dress up like mohawk indians, we put on: coal dust, red paint, and old baskets around our shoulders. We were destroying the tea because we didn’t like british parliament, King Gorge, and having to pay taxes. There was about 200 men and boys. We were divided into three groups. With the help of lanterns and torches it was as light as day. Even though it was late in the afternoon we finished before the sun came up. There was like 100,000,000 eyes watching us. We made sure to clean everything up.
    We marched to war music.

  18. Last night, i saw some Indains dumping some tea into the water. Andi said”well boys what you doing there”. They said”well sqeaker come down here we well take care just about two minutes”. So i close the window. Then they keep dumping and until they finish. When they finish they clean up the place. Then they got on the baots and went home.

  19.   “So. Where were you and what did you see December 16, 1773.”
      “I was sleeping at home & the loud sounds of the water splashing. I looked out my window to see what was happening and felt the cold breeze of that winter night. I lit a candle and stuck it into a lantern for better lighting & to help cut through the fog. What I saw was absolutaly terrible. To my suprise, I saw what appeared to be Mohawk Indians pooring tea into the harbor. All I could think of was the perfectly good tea being wasted. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Several thousands of people came around the boats to watch the destruction take place. I stayed & watched for a moment, thinking I should go to bed, & then saw them start to clean up. They were actually quite pollite and organized for criminals. When they were finally done they showed an officer what they had done and marched away as the music of a fife played.”

      “Thank you ma’m. We’ll try to catch who ever did this as soon as possible. If you have anymore information let us know.”

  20. I head a noise and I wake up and got a lamp and I open my window. And I looked at the dock and saw Mohawk Indians it look like they were dumping something like the tea. It also looked like they cleaned there miss that is all I know for now.

  21. On a cold winter night we painted our faces with cold black dust, red paint & wrapped blankets around us. I am a patriot that used to be a blacksmith. We all dressed up as ” Mohawk Indians ” because we did not want to be recognized. Each of us carried hatches and clubs. It waas a fun night. We were dumping tea because we did not like the king and we do not like the taxes. It was kind of scary thinking we were gonna get caught. There was about 200 men and boys crowding around us. We were divided into 3 groups because there was 3 ships. We started late atnight and finished before dawn.Thousand of other patriots started coming and watching us all we did was dump out all the tea after we claened up everythin we were not supposed to touch. Soon we were all in a line and and marched for a long time.

  22. December 16, 1773
        I am a 16 year old shoe maker’s aprentence. Today we were planing to dump all the tea into the harbor. My master knew that something bad was going to happen so he locked me in my room. I waited till my master fell asleep then i snuck outside.I was going to a secret meet place were we dressed up as mohawk indians. They put red paint on my face and coal dust. then they put old blanets on our shoulders and gave us hatchets and clubs. I thought I looked like a real mohawk indian. There was about 200 of us and three boats so we split up into three groups. when we got on the ship I got two crates and started pouring. It was fun pouring the tea into the harbor. After we were done I was told to clean up whith everyone there. We got some of the men on the ship to see that we only therw the tea into the harbor and nothing else. When we were finished we left and marched in a straight line to the music of a fife.

  23. I heard boxes being broken in to at the docks i saw mohawk indians dumping tea in to the water after that they even cleaned the ship picked up everything.

  24. On December 16, 1773 we had so much fun! We disguised ourself as “Mohawk Indians” even though we are really Patriots and I am a shoe maker. We blackened our faces so that we would not be recognized. We dumped alll of the tea into the harbor because we were tired of paying taxes for unwise reasons. And we didn’t want to be ruled by the king. With the wharf’s approval people gathered around with silent approval. THe only thing that we disturbed was the tea. After each chest of tea was emptied we cleaned all the mess we had made. Anything left was put back in it’s proper place. Then a officer came to see that no harm had been done only to the tea. When our work was done we marched we marched in a line to one of our fifes. Warships of the British were not interfering. IN fact Griffin Wharf INCOMPLETE

  25. first i was a loyaslit and look outside and i saw 100 Mohank Indians marched to the brtish ships and the Mohank Indians dumped over 342 tea over board into the water and after that they marched away back to i put my head out the window and said to them we will settle the bill in 2 mintues with that I salmed the window stut and the Mohank Indians went to the sercet metting place in boston town.

  26.     It was a windy night, all of a sudden patriots dressed up as “Mohawk Indians”split up into three groups aboard british warships. Then i saw them just throwing away the tea in the ocean. Then it surprised that they cleaned up. They got off the boat then i told the they had to pay the fiddler. Then they wanted to settle the bill out side. i got scared, i closed my window and i never came out again.That’s all i saw.

  27. It was a windy night, all of a sudden patriots dressed up as “Mohawk Indians”split up into three groups aboard british warships. Then i saw them just throwing away the tea in the ocean. Then it surprised that they cleaned up. They got off the boat then i told the they had to pay the fiddler. Then they wanted to settle the bill out side. i got scared, i closed my window and i never came out again.That’s all i saw.

  28. Cop: “So. Where were you and what did you see December 16, 1773.”
    Me: “I was at home asleep & the loud sounds of the water splashing. I looked out my window to see what was happening and felt the cold breeze of that winter night. I lit a candle and stuck it into a lantern for better lighting & to help cut through the fog. What I saw was absolutaly terrible. To my suprise, I saw what appeared to be Mohawk Indians pooring tea into the harbor. All I could think of was the perfectly good tea being wasted. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Several thousands of people came around the boats to watch the destruction take place. I stayed & watched for a moment, thinking I should go to bed, & then saw them start to clean up. They were actually quite pollite and organized for criminals. When they were finally done they showed an officer what they had done & marched away as the music of a fife played.”

    Cop: “Thank you ma’m. We’ll try to catch who ever did this as soon as possible. If you have anymore information let us know.”

  29. On December 16, 1773 we had so much fun! We disguised ourself as “Mohawk Indians” even though we are really Patriots and I am a shoe maker. We blackened our faces so that we would not be recognized. We dumped alll of the tea into the harbor because we were tired of paying taxes for unwise reasons. And we didn’t want to be ruled by the king. With the wharf’s approval people gathered around with silent approval. THe only thing that we disturbed was the tea. After each chest of tea was emptied we cleaned all the mess we had made. Anything left was put back in it’s proper place. Then a officer came to see that no harm had been done only to the tea. When our work was done we marched we marched in a line to one of our fifes. Warships of the British were not interfering. In fact Grifin Wharf was watching us thye whole entire time! he was watching us from a friend’s window while spending the night. As we passed by, he Admiral John Montague opened the window and stuck his head out of the window and said to one of our men, “Well boys you have had a nice pleasent time haven’t you. But, mined you’ve haven’t paid the fitler yet!”. We told him to come down so we could settle this but all he did was slammed the window shut. And thats all that I remember on that day.

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