Check In Check Out
Check In Check Out (CICO) is a systematic way to support students in need of additional supports when the Universal Tier 1 Supports aren’t meeting their needs. CICO is a Tier 2 targeted Intervention that is included in a menu of interventions that school sites create for students who are at risk for academic and/or behavior challenges. The program consists of student daily check-ins in with an adult (mentor) at the start of the day to retrieve a goal sheet, make a connection and be encouraged to meet their daily goals. Teachers then provide helpful, positive feedback on the point sheet multiple times throughout the day. The student checks out at the end of the day with a consistent adult (mentor) who reviews the day with them and adds up the points earned. Then the student takes the sheet home to be signed by their caregiver, and returns it the following morning to their mentor at check in. Students who enjoy adult attention are great candidates for this Tier 2 intervention. For more information about this intervention, please watch the training video on this tab or contact your PBIS Coach. Thanks for your interest and desire to provide supports for ALL of our students.
Why should I do it:
- Improves student accountability
- Increases structure
- Improves student behavior and academics when other interventions have failed
- Provides feedback and adult support on a daily basis
- Improves and establishes daily home/school communication and collaboration
- Improves student organization, motivation, incentive, and reward
- Helps students to self monitor and correct
- Internalizes success and accomplishment of goals
- Students get involved and excited about the program, enjoying the structure, support, and incentives of the intervention
- Leads to maintenance free responsible behaviors, habits, and effort
When should I do it:
- When a student has failed to respond to other interventions and general class management techniques and interventions
- When a student is competing little to no work
- When a student is not doing home work
- When a student is not participating, being involved, or taking part in the learning process
- When a student has emotional issues, like anxiety, frustration, etc
- When kids have attention, focus, and impulsivity issues
- When kids have very poor organization
- When a student is exhibiting behavioral problems
- When a student demonstrates low motivation and effort
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