Our Mission
Elk Grove Unified School District will provide a learning opportunity that challenges
ALL students to realize their greatest potential.

EGUSD’s Integrated Learning System (E4)
Every Student Learning in Every Classroom, in Every Subject, Every Day to Prepare College & Career Ready Graduates
EGUSD is a learning organization made up of interconnected processes and practices linked to the classroom, school, district, and community. E4 represents the District’s comprehensive and cohesive integrated learning system. It is inclusive of key stakeholders, is systematic in design, implementation, and evaluation, and supports our goal of ensuring that every child is adequately prepared for post-secondary education, life-long learning, successful employment, and responsible citizenship.
Elk Grove Unified School District – Excellence by Design

Strategic Goals
The District’s LCAP is required to identify annual goals, specific actions, and measure progress for student subgroups across multiple performance indicators, including student academic achievement, school climate, student access to a broad curriculum, and parent engagement.
PBIS falls under “Wellness” – A comprehensive approach to overall health recognizing that healthy bodies and healthy minds contribute to increased academic performance, improved attendance and positive behavior.
“All students will have an equitable opportunity to learn in a culturally responsive, physically and emotionally safe environment.”