February 24


What do you think your teacher does after school ends each day? Explain what you think
happens after you leave school!

Posted February 24, 2016 by mspenrose in category Uncategorized

10 thoughts on “Journal

  1. donny

    She probably does some work after school then she probably goes
    home and makes dinner and then does something completely random.

  2. LeeAustin

    I think my teacher grades after school then goes home and and takes care of her daughter and feeds her when she is hungry and then maybe takes her to the park to play.

  3. Amanda

    I think that after school my teacher does some organizing papers and writing the schedule and writing and do other things.

  4. Isaiah Lucas Craig

    well she/he gets everything ready for the next day and she or he gets homework and get more homework for us

  5. (Junior)

    If My friend were to ask me “what do you think your teacher do at the end of every day” I would say “I think my teacher does more work so she could be ready for each day she comes to work, like for intents she gets our homework ready every day our homework is spelling,math and our reading log # 1 & 5
    and we have to make sure we get our home work signed by our parent or teacher the teacher signs it at our Eagle Academy and even gets our math ready for when we need to study and even our work shop ready when we do it after first recess but most of the time I think she really does is sometimes talk to her daughter to see how she doing in school and at home with her Dad,so when she is working at school she could get worried so she could even call home before going home.

  6. Eduardo

    I think that my teacher goes home then says hi to madlen. The she rest a bit watches some tv. Then she starts to grade papers after that she figures out what we are going to do the next day.

  7. shephali

    I think that when mrs.penrose gets home she makes dinner,does the landary,cleans the house and than relaxes watch something and finally goes sleep.

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