What if you could change places with your parents for a day? What changes would you make at home?
What if you could change places with your parents for a day? What changes would you make at home?
I will change my room and get some chips so I can relax and go home and do homework and get some books to read.
I’ll yell at my parnets like they always yell at ME. I’m like getting tired of them bossing me around. So I’LL do the same. MUAHAHAHHAHAHHA >:D
I would not make any changes because I am fine with my parents rules and they are okay.
If I could changes place with my parents for a day I would changes the house and changes one bedroom and that would be mind.
i would change my bed room a very different way with a lot video games and a king size bed just for me and to play video games.
I’m a parent i have a car.
I would buy me a lot of things then like an x box one but almost alot of things
I would change my moms room and change it to my room and I can have fun. also reading books and trying to get a A plus.