January 11


Write the long-vowel pattern for each of the spelling words.

1. prove
2. Career
3. suit
4. area
5. iris
6. bowl
7. soothing
8. daydream
9. continue
10. type

Posted January 11, 2016 by mspenrose in category Uncategorized

14 thoughts on “SPelling

  1. elida

    prove = o_e
    career = ee
    suit = i
    area = ea
    iris = i
    bowl = _ow
    soothing = oo
    daydream = ea
    continue = _ue
    type = _y

  2. Isaiah is the best on animal jam Isaiah Lucas Craig.

    i am sorry ms penrose i did not know that there was a long v onside of prove so i am goin to try harder

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