March 3

Science Project Ideas

State an idea for a science project that is connected to your visible learning folder.

Example: Does practicing everyday help improve your fluency?

Posted March 3, 2016 by mspenrose in category Uncategorized

7 thoughts on “Science Project Ideas

  1. ~(0o0)~ ~(^.^)~ v(T.T)v Kennethy ~(o.o)~) c(o.o c) (o_o) )

    Science Idea: Become chemist 😀 Like when you put some things in a bottle and it turns red and stuff. :/ You know what I’m talking about XD Science. Not those reading sciences ._. Whatever 😛 🙂 🙁 😀

  2. Myles

    I do think practicing every day does improve your fluency because as you read you will remember the words that is in the passage.

  3. ericka

    I think that practicing your fluency every day does help you because when you have a word that you have a hard time saying then your parents or your siblings could help you with it.

  4. Tanisha

    I think what we could try is comprehension like if Leilani was told to study the passage and answer the questions then Elida was told not to study at all then we could see who could get a better grade.

  5. Eduardo

    I think we should see if reading a story 5 times would make a difference if you only read it 4 times.

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