November 5 Vocabulary Time Write a sentence that uses both Vermin and Slush correctly. Category: Uncategorized | 7 Comments on Vocabulary Time
November 5 Greek and Latin Roots practice Write the meaning of the following Greek and Latin Roots. 1. de- 2. Uni- 3. dis- 4. semi- 5. tri- 6. -less 7. ex- 8. under- 9. anti- 10. -ist Category: Uncategorized | 3 Comments on Greek and Latin Roots practice
November 5 Spelling Activity Write the spelling words from this weeks list that have the long E sound spelled /ei/. Category: Uncategorized | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 5 Journal Aslan wanted to show Peter Cair Paravel. Why? Category: Uncategorized | 6 Comments on Journal