Digestion – Five Paragraph Essay
Students will copy and paste their body paragraphs from different blog entries onto this blog intro and will compose an introductory and concluding paragraph.
Students will copy and paste their body paragraphs from different blog entries onto this blog intro and will compose an introductory and concluding paragraph.
Students will write their third body paragraph. Each paragraph will include a topic and concluding sentence, transitional phrases, and a sequence of events of the third stage of digestion.
Students will write their second body paragraph. Each paragraph will include a topic and concluding sentence, transitional phrases, and a sequence of events of the second stage of digestion.
Students will write their first body paragraph. Each paragraph will include a topic and concluding sentence, transitional phrases, and a sequence of events of the first stage of digestion.
Circle Group: Emily Geiger’s Dangerous Mission Diamond Group: Joseph Warren An American Hero All Groups: Vocabulary Reader 13
Students will blog a five paragraph essay (complete with an introductory, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph) about what happens when people inhale and exhale. A clear thesis statement should be presented and a third body paragraph should… Continue Reading
Diamond and Circle Groups – Blog your Similes (make sure to proofread each simile with a partner before you submit) Triangle and Square Groups – Compose a one paragraph essay (consisting on a topic sentence, evidence and analysis sentences, and… Continue Reading