According to our ClustrMap, we’ve hit one thousand (or just a bit over it) views or locations; I’m not sure. It’s been neat to see what places in the world have visited us.
Thank you:
United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Germany, Morocco, Malaysia, Vietnam, Romania, Netherlands, Asia/Pacific Region, Philippines, France, Greece, Spain, China, Mexico, Colombia, Indonesia, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Ghana, Mauritius Reunion, South Africa, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Egypt, Algeria, Qatar, Oman, Hong Kong, The Republic of Korea
Congratulations on your milestone, Mr. Alfonso and class!
Last summer, as I rushed through
D.C.’s Reagan Intern’l Airport to catch a flight back to California, I passed a line of passengers waiting to board a flight to Saudi Arabia. Towards the end of the line, a woman caught my eye, causing me to slow my pace. She was completely covered by a veil, with only a narrow slit open for her eyes, which were covered by dark sunglasses.
For a brief moment, I stared (rude, I know, but I was totally intrugued by her image). I smiled at her and although I could not see her face, it felt as though she smiled back. I would have loved an opportunity to sit with her a bit and learn about her life. Surely there were things we shared in common. Of course, that conversation did not happen, and she soon turned to chase after her toddler. But for a brief moment I felt a connection, maybe as mothers, or wives, or women – despite all our cultural differences. Maybe she felt it too.
When I look on my Clustrmap and see that I’ve had an occasional visitor from Saudi Arabia (18 since my airport incounter), something makes me hope it is my veiled traveler, joining me on my blogging journeys.
I am still amazed by the countless ways the Internet connects us, overcoming so many barriers, including distance and location, race, religion, ethnicity, and politics.
It’s wonderful to see how your blog is opening the world for your students and allowing them to produce content for a world wide audience.
Again, congratulations!
Thanks Ms. Gail! I, too, am curious about the people and places that visit our blog. I wonder what they think. Why they keep coming back or why they only visit once. Again, it amazes me how a blog can be a connection to others and the students in my class.
I think we all long to connect to someone, to someplace. Even if it’s just a quick glance in an airport, or in a store, or standing in line. Knowing that we have something in common is just enough to be affirmed.
Anyway, congratulations on your blog birthday as well! You are an inspiration : )
I really Like the movie and I like how the camera was staigh your kids are good acters
I hope that you gays are having fun because you gays won the SEVA award. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!
I saw the strings in your movie. It was still cool but it would be even better to me if it wasnt in slow motion.