

  1.      The story “The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. Marquis de Lafayette, James Armistead, and Cornwallis are the major characters. Marquis de Lafayette is a Frenchmenwho helped the Patriots, he later became leader of a small army. James A. is a spy for the Partiots and a slave of William Armistead. Cornwallis is the leader of the British troop.

         James Armistead volunteered to help the British so he can overhear plans. The Redcoats believes James is now loyal and that he wouldn’t betray them. James reported news daily and it would be more risky and difficult. Lafayette began to camp near the Redcoats because his spies couldn’t steal maps or orders. James spent most of his time in the Redcoats’ tents, he pretended as if he didn’t know what they were saying. James reported to Marquis and he got the idea. Cornwallis’s army are camping in a small city. James also reported that the ships were coming to move the British troops elsewhere. Lafayette learned that Cornwallis was moving his troop to Yorktown. Lafayette moved closer to the Redcoats. James was sent by Cornwallis to be a spy for the British.

         There were good news coming. George Washington , French commander, and Rhochambeau were coming, and Cornwallis was to be cut of land and sea. Lafayette’s small army would have to hold Cornwallis in place. By September, French fleet attacked British ships. In the middle of the month Washington and Rhochambeau came to Williamsburg, and Marquis welcomed them. Americans and French armies came to Yorktown surrounded the village where the British lived. They began to dig trenches and they fired cannons.

         After ten days, Cornwallis and his army surrendered. The battles are over, Patriots won. Cornwallis feels ashamed because he did not win, he and his army stayed in a cave beside the York River. Cornwallis left the village and talked to Lafayette about the campaign. Cornwallis now knew James was on the Patriot’s side. A year after the traty of peace was written Lafayette wrote a certificate to James. James later sent his certificate to the General Assembly of Virginia and asked for his freedom. James wouldn’t have his freedom unless his master gets paid for losing his slave. The General assmembly agreed and James became freed and his name now is James Lafayette. In 1819, James Armistead became old and the General assembly gave him sixty dollars, then later gave him forty dollars a year. In 1824, Lafayette came to the town of Richmond and saw James.

       &nbsp The conflict was resolved when Cornwallis surrendered. One change is that in the beginning James Armistead was a slave, at the end he became a freed man and his name is now James Lafayette.

  2.     “The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the Southern part of the American colonies. One of the youngest major generals in history, Marquis de Lafayette was chosen as commander of a small force.

        James Armistead, a slave, volunteered as a spy for the Patriots. Lord Cornwallis, a British army leader on the side of Benedict Arnold, was living in headquarters with James. James, the spy, was risking his life as he spied on Cornwallis.

        After registering himself as a spy he was ordered by Lafayette to go and spy in the headquarters of Benedict Arnold. There he would work by serving officers & guiding them down roads. Even though some soldiers tried to capture Benedict Arnold themselves, Armistead was never suspected. He would write to Lafayette everyday telling him of what he heard. He even sometimes talked to the other servants in camp about what they heard. When Benedict Arnold left Armistead had to spy on someone new. His new job was to spy in the camp of Lord Charles Cornwallis.

        Now Armistead would work as a servant/waiter. He continued to send his letters to Lafayette. His work here would was a lot harder now. Lafayette always camped close behind them and followed them wherever they would go. Sense Armistead was a trusted servant he was wasn’t suspected.

        Armistead informed Lafayette that he had heard them talking of a move. For a long time the boats there for the move just sat at dock. Then Lafayette had discovered they had sailed to unknown place. He was later found in Yorktown. Lafayette wanted to hold Cornwallis in Yorktown so he couldn’t escape. He closed their routs through land & sea. They dug trenches and fought with cannons to keep them in.

        They had lost &Cornwallis stayed in headquarters with the feeling on defeat. He eventually left there and reported to Lafayette to discuss the campaign. That day he also found out that James Armistead was a spy for the Patriots.

        James Armistead asked for his freedom and was eventually declared a free man. His master was granted a payment for the loss of his slave/worker. James Armistead also started calling himself James Lafayette. When he got older he got paid even more money.

        Saul Mathews, another spy, was also important. He transferred information that helped win the war as well. He did was granted his freedom too. Antigua was also a very important slave who became a spy. He gave the Patriots information as well. He though did not gain freedom, but his wife and her child were. H e continued to be a slave for the remainder of his life. Another spy Quaco, also a former slave, helped win the war by bring information. Quaco was not a volunteer. In fact he was sold by his master to the government and made a spy. Quaco was freed just like Mathews.

        Who was once only a slave became a free man do to his work as a colonial spy. James Armistead Lafayette risked everything for his country. He was very important to making this country. I learned that you have to work to get a reward, James worked and he got his freedom. Basically, if you want something you have to earn it.

  3.      The story “Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. James was a slave and now is a spy for Marquis de Lafyette. Marquis de Lafyette is a frenchman that helped the Patriots. The problem is that M.D.L., James, and George Washington are fighting with the British.

         James went to the redcoats leader & servent so he could spy on them. He reported news daily and it was hard for Lafyette. Lafyette and his men camped by the redcoats because they couldn’t steal maps. James was staying with the redcoats and would act like he didn’t know anything. Then he would soon report back to Lafyette.

         Lafyette moved closer to the British. The commmander told the frenchman to hold Cornwallis and to make sure he didn’t escape. George marched south by land sailed to Chesapeak.

  4. In the story “The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. James Armistead, Cornwallis, and Marquis de Lafayette are the major characters. James Armistead, was a slave and spies for the Patriots. Cornwallis, is a British leader, and Marquis de Lafayette, is a rich frenchman who becomes a a leader of a small army.
    In the beginning of the story , Marquis de Laayette sent spies into British camp. Marquis lets James Armistead spy for him. Benedict Arnold left Virginia to return to the war. Still a spy, James works as a servant for Cornwallis. Armistead listened to Cornwallis and reported it back to Marquis. Cornwallis hardly noticed he was being followed.
    In the middle of the story, James was a trusted servant to Cornwallis, he listened to Cornwallis, but also acts like he doesn’t understand him. At night, James whispered what he had heard to other blackman and in a few hours Marquis got the word of the British plans.Cornwallis’s army moved to the east and camped in a small city of Portsmouth. James reported to Marquis that a fleet of ships had come to anchor on the harbor.
        Marquis and his army surrounded Cornwallis’s army and moved closer and closer. They began to dig trenches and fired at the British. After, ten days of fighting, Cornwallis surrendered. Cornwallis felt ashamed for not winning the war, he and his army stayed in a cave beside the York River. Cornwallis and Marquis talked. When James walked in to the cave, Cornwallis shook his head grimly, his own trusted servant was an American spy.
        In conclusion, Marquis wrote a certificate for James to become a free man. James read it to The Virginia General Assembly. James would not claim his freedom until his master was paid a fair price. When they have paid his master, was now declared a free man. James Armistead changed his name to James Lafayette, for declaring James freedom.

  5.     ‘The master spy of yorktown” takes place in york town. 21 year old James Armistead was a spy for the patriots. He was a slave who became a freeman. He was also younger than Lafayette.

        James was the youngest and bravest spy even thought his life was at risk. Because of all the spying they almost caught Arnold himself. When Arnold moved to the north james asked cornwallis if he can work for him. Cornwallis said “yes” and James was now a waiter for but realy he was a spy for the patriots.

        Lafayette was scared of cornwallis but that did not keep him from being a leader. James came back after months of spying he said “Cornwallis and his ships will be in yorktown. Lafayette later met up with George Washiton and Rosambo in yorktown surronding cornwallis by land and sea.

        After two weeks of fighting the Brittish gave up but cornwallis was not there he was in a cave. Cornwallis later came to Lafayette camp. The two Commanders talked cornwallis looked up and saw James.

        After the war Lafayette gave James his freedom.James did not want to be free untill his master was payed for loseing a good workman. .The leaders agreed that he was a free man. James Armistead was now knowed as James Lafayette .Years passed and James Lafayette was “poor and unable to help himself”. The leaders Dicided to give him 60$ and 40$ a year for the rest his life.

  6.       This story takes place in the colonies. There are three major characters; Lord Charels Cornwallis, The Marquis De Lafayette, James Armisted. They are fighting in the revolutionary war. James Armisted is a spy for the Patriots. Lord Charles Cornwallis

         First James went to Bendict Arnold.


  7. The story “The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. Marquis de Lafayette, James Armistead, and Cornwallis are some major characters. Marquis de Lafayette is a Frenchmen who joined and who helped the Patriots, he later became leader of a small troop . James Armistead is a African American spy for the Partiots and a slave of William Armistead. Cornwallis is the leader of the British troops.
    An African American slave James Armistead age 21 wondering in joining the patriot army. James went to be a spy at the Arnold camp and acted like he was on there team and Messengers went out to lafayette daily about what you saw. James reported to Lafayette about death was now greater and his work got harder.

    He spent so much time in the tent with Cornwallis he was certaintly a trusted servant . When the British would talk about plans james would pretend that he did not understand but he heard that a fleet of sailing ships had come to anchor in the bay. So now Lafayette’s scouts learned the enemy’s secret.

    Th Battles of the Revolution was over. When Cornwallis looked up to see the Familiar face of James Armistead but he wore a American Uniform James he continued to work as a slave after the war but at least he asked the leislature for help and grant ” Full Liberty” during the End of the War.

    We will probably never learn more of the work of black spies during The Revolution War but it is certain that these secret services were so valuable that without them the struggle for the country’s independence might have lost.

  8.      The story ” The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in colonies. James Armistead is a 21 year old slave and also a spy for the Patriots. The british might kill James if they find out he is a spy for the Patriots. Cornwallis is a leader of the british troops. Lafayette is in charge of a troop for the patriots. The british are probably going to surender.


  9.      ” The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. The promblem is that the Marquis de Lafayette needs more information about the redcoats. The three main characters are James Armistead, Marquis de Lafayette and Lord Cornwallis. Before James was a spy he was a slave.
         Marquis de Lafayette needed more info. about the redcoats. Lafayette

  10.     In the colonies they fought the war. Lord Charles Cornwallis was commander of the British Army. Marquis de Lafayette was the commander of a tiny force. James Armistead was a black spy for the Patriots. The British, James, Washington, & Lafayette fought in the war.
      James went to the Redcoats leader and served as a servant so he can overhear the plans/ideas. The Redcoats thought James was a trustworthy person. He reported news daily & it was hard for Lafayette. Lafayette and his men camped neat the Redcoats because they couldn’t steal maps. James was staying in the Redcoats tent and he would pretend like he never heard anything from them. Then, he would soon report it to Lafayette. Cornwallis sailed th a place but no one knows where. Lafayette’s men knew that Cornwallis sent his troops to Yorktown.
      Lafayette moved closer to the British. The commander told the Frenchmen to hold Cornwallis & not to let his army escape. Geroge Washington and the French marched South by land, while the French fleets sailed to Chesapeake. Lafayette’s Arny could ONLY hold Cornwallis in place. The French fleets defeated the British Warships and they sailed to New York. Washington & French Armies went to Yorktown and surrounded the British village.
      Cornwallis left the village, and went to Lafayette. Cornwallis seen James with Lafayette. He soon realized taht the volunteer who was faithful was in truth an American counterspy. He played an important part in winning the battle of the war. Lafayette wrote a certificate of the work of James as a spy. James sent the certificate to General Assembly of Virginia, to be a freeman. But before being a freeman, he demanded that his master was to be paid a fair price. He soon became a freeman. Then he called himself, James Lafayette.
      In 1819, James became old & he was poor. He got $60 & $40 a year because he was part of the Revolution war. James was 64 when Marquis de Lafayette came and greeted him as an old comrade. He got his portrait done & it still hangs in the Virginia Museum. He showed that he won his OWN freedom and the country’s. James Armistead Lafayette caused Lafayette to become a leader & to the end of slavery. Lafayette told Washington a plan to purchase a small estate where they can try to free slaves and use then as tenants. Saul Matthews was a slave. He was also a spy. Officers praised Matthews for his work and he had freedom. A slave names Antigua, also was a spy. He had information from the enemy, “frequently at risk of his life”. But he remained a slave all his life. Another slave, Quoco was a spy. His master sold hin to King’s Army, but he went to the patriots. The General Assembly of


  11.      The story “The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. Marquis de Lafayette, James Armistead, and Cornwallis are some major characters. Marquis de Lafayette is a Frenchmen who joined and they helped the Patriots and he later became leader of a small troop . James Armistead is a African American spy for the Partiots and a slave of William Armistead. Cornwallis is the leader of the British troops.

         An African American slave James Armistead age twenty one wondering if joining the patriot army. James went to be a spy at the Arnold camp and acted like he was on there team and Messengers went out to lafayette daily about what you saw. James reported to Lafayette about death was now greater and his work got harder.

         He spent so much time in the tent with Cornwallis he was certaintly a trusted servant . When the British would talk about plans james would pretend that he did not understand but he heard that a fleet of sailing ships had come to anchor in the bay. So now Lafayette’s scouts learned the enemy’s secret.

         The Battles of the Revolution was over. When Cornwallis looked up to see the Familiar face of James Armistead but he wore a American Uniform James he continued to work as a slave after the war but at least he asked the leislature for help and grant ” Full Liberty” during the End of the War.

         We will probably never learn more of the work of black spies during The Revolutional War but it is certain that these secret services were so valuable that without them the struggle for the country’s independence might have lost.

  12.      The story “Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. James was a slave and now is a spy for Marquis de Lafyette. Marquis de Lafyette is a frenchman that helped the Patriots. The problem is that M.D.L., James, and George Washington are fighting with the British.

         James went to the redcoats leader & servent so he could spy on them. He reported news daily and it was hard for Lafyette. Lafyette and his men camped by the redcoats because they couldn’t steal maps. James was staying with the redcoats and would act like he didn’t know anything. Then he would soon report back to Lafyette.

         Lafyette moved closer to the British. The commmander told the frenchman to hold Cornwallis and to make sure he didn’t escape. George marched south by land sailed to Chesapeak.      James Armistead asked for his freedom and was eventually declared a free man. His master was granted a payment for the loss of his slave/worker. James Armistead also started calling himself James Lafayette. When he got older he got paid even more money.

         Saul Mathews, another spy, was also important. He transferred information that helped win the war as well. He did was granted his freedom too. Antigua was also a very important slave who became a spy. He gave the Patriots information as well. He though did not gain freedom, but his wife and her child were. H e continued to be a slave for the remainder of his life. Another spy Quaco, also a former slave, helped win the war by bring information. Quaco was not a volunteer. In fact he was sold by his master to the government and made a spy. Quaco was freed just like Mathews.

         Who was once only a slave became a free man do to his work as a colonial spy. James Armistead Lafayette risked everything for his country. He was very important to making this country. I learned that you have to work to get a reward, James worked and he got his freedom. Basically, if you want something you have to earn it.

  13.     The story ” Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in different colonies. James Armistead is a 21 year old slave and is a spy for the patriots. Cornwallis is a leader for the british troops. Lafayette is in charge of a troop for the patriots. The british might be the first ones to surender.
        James went to the redcoats leader & served as a servant so he can overhear their plans & ideas. The redcoats thought that James was a trustworthy person. He was reporting news daily & it was hard for Lafayette. Lafayette and his men camped near the redcoats so they would be able to steal maps. James was staying in the redcoats tent. And he would pretent like he didn’t hear anything they said and reported it to Lafayette. Cornwallis sailed somewhere but, no one knew where. Lafayette’s men knew Cornwalliss’s men went to yorktown.
        Lafayette moved closer to the british. The commander told the frenchman to hold cornwallis and his army and to never let any of them go or escape. George Washington and the frenchmen marched south by land, while french fleets sailed to chesapeake.
        Lafayettes army could only hold cornwallis in place. The french fleets defeated the british warship’s & if they sailed to NewYork. Washington and Rochambeau reached williamsburg where Laffayette welcomed them. American and french armies went to yorktown and surrounded the british villiage.
        The British never found out that James was a spy for the patriots. At first the patriots were american and now the are just american. One thing I learned is sometimes if you want somthing you have to work hard to get it.

  14.     ” The Master Spy of Yorktown” takes place in the colonies. The promblem is that the Marquis de Lafayette needs more information about the redcoats. The three main characters are James Armistead, Marquis de Lafayette and Lord Cornwallis. Before James was a spy he was a slave.
    Marquis de Lafayette needed more info. about the redcoats. Lafayette needed a spy so James Armistead volunteered to spy for Lafayette. A 21 years old slave named James Armistead volunteered to spy for the colonists. Lafayette excepted him as as spy. James went and pretended to be their slave. He pretended to help the redcoats. the redcoats didn’t even notice that he was a spy. One time they almost caught Benedict Arnold but he got away.
         Now James work for Lord Cornwallis. James would listen to the redcoats plan and he would pretend not know what they’re saying. He would tell other african americans and within a few hours Lafayette will know the news. All of a sudden the redcoats disappeared. Nobody knew where they went. One day Lafayette’s mens found out where they were. They were in York town. Lafayette’s mens watched the redcoats. Lafayette wrote letters to George Washington.
         The war started between the redcoats & the rebels. After a few days Cornwallis surrendered. One day when Lord Cornwallis went to see Lafayette he saw James Lafayette Armistead. After the war Lafayette wrote of nice work of james A. L. . James went to see the general of assembly and ask to be freed, They agreed.
         In conclusion the problem was resolved because Cornwallis surrendered. The person that changed is James Armistead Lafayette because he was a slave in the beginning and a freed man in the end. The lesson that I learned is that you have to work hard to get something that you really earned for it.

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