

  1.      The water cycle describes the journey of salt water turning into fresh water. First the salt water/liquid gets evaporated. Second it gets carried into the clouds and is called condensation when it rains it tern back into water or solid. Last it will flow back into the ocean or under ground. It does all of this over and over again.

  2.      The Water cycle decribes the journey of salt water turning into fresh water. First the salt water/liquid gets “evaporated” and gets transfered into the clouds. Next, it gets tranfered into the clouds and it is called “Condensation” when it rains , hails,or snows it will become a luiquid or soild .Last, it will flow into the ocean by the “surface runoff “or the “Infiltration”which will go to the “Ground Water” and then come up to the ocean.

  3. The Water Cycle

        The Water Cycle describes the journey of water from the ocean back to the ocean. First salt water from the ocean is heated by the sun and turned into a gas. Next the gas travels to the clouds where it is turned into fresh water liquid rain, solid snow or hail. Then the clouds poor the rain out. It can become surface runoff or it can infiltrate. After the infiltration stage in which the water runs through the ground the liquid becomes ground water. Finally the ground water lands in the ocean where the fresh water once again becomes salt water & the cycle starts all over.

  4.   The water cycle describes the journey from the ocean’s saltwater. First, saltwater from the ocean is heated into gas and then it evaporates into the sky. Next, it turns into liquid or solid then it Condensation into rain. Then, it turns into Precipation (Fresh Water). Finally, it goes to the Surface Runoff or to the Infiltration and goes back into the ocean (Saltwater) and starts all over again.

  5.      The Water Cycle describes the journey of water from the water to the sun to the clouds to the rain and to the ground then back to the ocean again. First, salt water goes up into the sun. Second, the water turns into gas and the sun brings the water to the clouds. Finally, water pours to the ground and the water goes back to the ocean and does the whole cycle again.

  6. The water cycle describes the journey of the water from the ocean. First, the water from the ocean is heated by the sun. Next, it condensation to the a liquid and turns into a gas. After that the gas turns into liquid or sometimes a solid when it falls out of the cloud. It goes through land or under ground its called Infiltration. At last, it goes back to the ocean and starts again.

  7.      The Water Cycle describes the journey of water from the ocean. First, saltwater is heated by the sun and it is turned into gas and the form is called Evaporation.

  8.     The water cycle describes the journey of water from the ocean.First,The salt water from the ocean is heated by the sun and evaporated into clouds.Second,it turns into gas.Third,It turns into a liquid or solid.Then precipitation begins.It rains and the water hits the ground and a surface run off begins.Or it infiltrates under ground and it turns.Now its ground water and it returns to the ocean.

  9.     &bsp;The water cycle descibes the journey of water from evaporation to transpiration. First, salt water from the ocean is heated by the sun by evaporation. After evaporation it turns into a liquid and that process is called condensation. Later it goes through percipitation. Then it goes to the surface runoff. Next it goes underground called infiltration. Once it’s to the ground it’s called ground water. After it becomes ground water it goes through transpiration that comes from plants. Lastly it comes back to the ocean making the freshwater back into saltwater. In conclusion this tells about the water starting from evaporation to transpiration.

  10.      The Water Cycle describes the journey of the water from the beginning to the end. First saltwater from thhe ocean is heated up into gas and then it evaporates into the sky. Next it turns into liquid or solid then it condensation into rain. Then it turns

  11. The water cycle descirbes the jorney of water from when it hails it is called soid and when it rain is called lidqous when it’s go in to the sun it’s called gas. INCOMERLETE

  12.     The water cycle describes the journey of salt water turning into fresh water. First the salt liquid gets evaporated. Second it gets carried into the clouds and is called condensation when it rains it tern back into water or solid. Last it will flow back into the ocean or under ground. It does all of this over and over again.

  13.      The water cycle describes thhe journey of water from the ocean. First, salt water from the ocean is heated by evaporation and turns into gas. Second, the gas is taken into the clouds and is called condensation. Third, condensation is turns into a liquid, also the presipitation of fresh water is solid. THis tells of the water cycle.

  14. The water cycle descirbes the jorney of water from when it hails it is called soid and when it rain is called lidqous when it’s go in to the sun it’s called gas. First, salt water from the ocean is hental up to the sun. Then it got sent to the cloud then it rain to the moutain. Or some water got in the ground. The water go down to the ocean and goes to the sun,the cloud,and the ocean than it’s goes around like a circle.

  15.     The Water cycle decribes the journey of salt water turning into fresh water. First the salt water/liquid gets “evaporated” and gets transfered into the clouds. Next, it gets tranfered into the clouds and it is called “Condensation” when it rains , hails,or snows it will become a luiquid or soild .Last, it will flow into the ocean by the “surface runoff “or the “Infiltration”which will go to the “Ground Water” and then come up to the ocean.

  16.      The water cycle describes the journey of the ocean’s saltwater. First, the saltwater is heated into gas and evaporates into the sky. Next, it turns into liquid or solid and then it Condensation into rain. Then it turns into Precipation (freshwater). Finally it goes into the Surface Runoff or Filtration and goes back to the ocean (saltwater) and starts all over again.

  17.     The Water cycle decribes the journey of salt water turning into fresh water. First the salt water/liquid gets “evaporated” and gets transfered into the clouds. Next, it gets tranfered into the clouds and it is called “Condensation” when it rains , hails,or snows it will become a luiquid or soild .Last, it will flow into the ocean by the “surface runoff “or the “Infiltration”which will go to the “Ground Water” and then goes back into the ocean.

  18.     The Water Cycle describes the journey of water from the ocean back to the ocean. First Salt water from the ocean is heated by the sun, this process Evaporation. Next, it goes to the clouds, this process is called Condensation. When the clouds get to full they let out rain. It’s called Preciprtation, when rain falls. The last step is when the water hits the ground and falls into the ocean, it’s called Surface Runoff. That cycle goes on and on.

  19.     First saltwater is heated by the sun and evaporates into a gas.Next the vapor condensates and turns in to a cloud.After it precipitate into as you know snow,rain and hail becomes surface runoff water.Finaly surface runoff water becomes ground water that leads to the ocean

    • Joshua,

      Which student forgot this information? Let me know so I can remind them.

      Mr. Alfonso

  20. the water cycle describes how the water goes into the air keep up the good work mr.alfonso and his class

  21. I like the way you explained the Water Cycle like the picture tells you were it goes.

  22.     First saltwater is heated by the sun and evaporates into a gas.Next the vapor condensates and turns in to a cloud.After it precipitate into as you know snow,rain and hail becomes surface runoff water.Finaly surface runoff water becomes ground water that leads to the ocean.

  23. The Water Cycle describes the journey of the water from the beginning to the end. First saltwater from the ocean is heated up into gas and then it Evaporates into the sky. Next it turns into liquid or solid then it Condensation into rain. Then it turn into Precipitation (fresh water). Then it goes on to the Surface Runoff and then to the Infiltration. Last it goes under ground to the Ground Water. When it goes to the under ground the cycle restarts all over again. In conclusion my paragraph talks about the water cycle from start to finish.

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