

  1.         Going off track was as fun as going to a different state. At the movies I had a lot of fun. I saw the movie Rio 2 and the yogourt was delicious. The smell of the popcorn was great and the music of he movie was cetchy. To go to my track meet was fun also. My meet was at a highschool I got 6th place. Happily I went to the parck with my dad! My dad asked me and my brother “do you want to go to funderland”? I had a great tme off track.

  2.     Being off-track was amazing. To be with my family made e feel good. Mostly I stayed in the house feeling like I would explode like a bomb if I did nothing! At the movie theater I saw Maleficent,The Amazing Spiderman 2,Blended,and X-men days of future past. While watching the movie I wondered “what will happen next?” Swimming in the pool felt so and burgers. Once we went to eat I tasted my hot bean burrito.

  3.          Off track time is for fun. Having a great time is what I did during my vacation time . I was having such a great time by traveling . In the airplane I see thousands, millions, billions of green plantations


  4.         I had a somewhat wonderful off-track time. Proving to be okay, my vacation did have some upsides. In Monterey Bay Aquarium, I saw creatures of the sea roam their man-made habitats. Breathlessly, I watched as sharks obediently swam in their receptacle.


  5.      Being off-track was amazing. To be with my family made e feel good. Mostly I stayed in the house feeling like I would explode like a bomb if I did nothing! At the movie theater I saw Maleficent,The Amazing Spiderman 2,Blended,and X-men days of future past. While watching the movie I wondered “what will happen next?” Swimming in the pool felt so and burgers. Once we went to eat I tasted my hot bean burrito. I love being off-track!

  6.         During my off-track time I had so much fun. On the 6th of May my mom and dad went to the hospital because my mom had pain in her stomach because of the baby. On the 7th the baby was born. Then when it was morning my dad came to pick me up to take me to the hospital to see my little baby brother. When I went in the hospital my dad got me hot coco if I get thirsty it was yummy. I was sooooo excited to see my new born baby brother! Quickly, we entered the elevator to go to floor two. When I saw my baby brother omg, was he so cute. Then on the 9th my mom came home with the baby his face changed. to pick up the baby and feel and touch it was cool. I asked my dad “When can he start speaking?” “It will take 2-3 years.” When we put lotion and baby powder on him he smells very good. So I spent my time off throwing dippers, and spending time with my new baby and my family. To touch the baby felt soft. My off-track time was amazing with my new baby brother.

  7.             While on brake i went to six flags and stayed for a couple of days. Going to six flags every year i always see people smiling. The next morning after we arrived we walked over there. That same day I touched a seal and it felt as slimy as a slug. To fell something so slimy made me gag. Suddenly i said “Ewww”! As soon as the seal went back in the water i smelt its stench. We then started heading to the rides and we all went on superman. All that I heard was screaming. Did you ever go to six flags?

  8.     Surprisingly, my off-track time was fun. I went fishing at this place called LAKE Berryessa. The catfish there are heavy like a boulder. I also hang out with my family. We had a BBQ. The steak and ribs smelled good and tasted wonderful. I also felt the soft BBQ ribs slipping off my hands and then heard my dad say” YUM”! How was your off-track time?

  9.         My third trimester off track time was spectacular. Going to lake Tahoe for a wedding was exciting. To go see the emerald bay made me feel happy. My dad took my sisters and I to an arcade in a big hotel. Exictingly, Going to Sonoma was fun. My cousins and I went to 3 partyies in 1 day. In Sonoma at night time was scary. Lake thoe was fun but not as fun as Nevada. In Nevada I tasted oysters. Oysters were as good as candy. I went to the stores an smelled all the candles. Also I saw some cousins at the park and we played at the park! When the day was over I was sad and I told my dad ”Can we come back to Nevada again?” Did You have as much fun as I did on my vacation?

  10.          Off track time is for fun. getting to have a great time is what I did during my vacation time. I was having a great time by traveling. In the airplane I see thousands, millions,billions of green land, houses, and water. To have off track time is a time for bonding. basically what I mean by bonding is to bond with your family by making them laugh and smile. ” KNOCK, KNOCK” jokes sometimes make them smile. one thing we did as a family is yell from the top of a hill and yell “I love music, art, and books!” We all ask questions like “do I sing good and do I perform bad?” The last thing we did was feel oak trees , smell blossoms , taste plums that were so delicious , and see two bald eagles at the Alaska zoo. It was so scary seeing the whale my teeth chattered like a mouse chipping its cheese. Fun is for time off track.

  11.     For off-track I went to many places. Happily I went to a science and space museum that had a planetarium. At the museum I got to touch hard rocks and smooth rocks. There was one on display that smelled horrible! Also there was a talking robot called cosmos. Being at the planetarium was as dark as the night sky. The museum also had a nature room. At the nature room I saw three turtles from different places. After the museum I had an amazing time with my dad at the movies! We had really good popcorn and soda. It was 8:00 am on mothers day and my dad said “get dressed we’re going to ihop”. To go to ihop with my family made me feel happy. My off-track time was great!

  12.     My off-track time was wonderful. On Thursday,mom told us to start packing our clothes for our quick vacation to Los Angeles. We left at 1:00 on Friday morning. The ride felt like riding in on a slow roller coaster but fast enough to travel far. Finally,we reached Los Angeles and headed for our destination that was Universal Studios. As we walked to the gate,I felt like I was being boiled in extremely hot water. I could hear people talk and music playing on the speakers. A few feet away from the globe, I saw the Extra’s tent set up. Quickly,we took a photo by the spinning globe and as we did,I could feel the rail burn against my hand. To see how Universal Studios looked like for the first time I felt shocked and amazed. Later on, I asked mom,”What will we be eating?” “We’ll see”,she said. Then a few minutes later,mom and dad brought some cold drinks for us and some other food I didn’t know what it was. When I sipped into the straw,the cold water relaxed me from the hot sun. After a while, we left and headed to the hotel.My off-track time was a fantastic time.

  13.      Being off-track was amazing. To be with my family made e feel good. Mostly I stayed in the house feeling like I would explode like a bomb if I did nothing! At the movie theater I saw Maleficent,The Amazing Spiderman2,Blended,and X-men days of future past. While watching the movie I wondered “what will happen next?” Swimming in the pool felt so refreshing. As I jumped in I heard a loud splash. I smelled families eating hot dogs and burgers. Once we went to eat I tasted my hot bean burrito. I love being off-track!

  14.         Being off-track was a blast. At my grandma’s house we had a big barbegue for my cousin’s graduation and my sister’s birthday. We ate the grilled steaks, chicken wings, and grilled pork. About a week past, and I was invited to the movie theaters by my cousin. We saw the movie “Maleficent” and ate popcorn and drank soda. “Next time, I’ll buy a smaller amount of popcorn”, said my aunt, after seeing the popcorn bucket hardly eaten. After that day, we went to Arden Mall. Surprisingly, the mall smelled of cinnamin rolls! Which shop should we go in first? Later that day, we heard that walmart had clothes that were cute. To try on clothes felt a little nice. I was as quiet as a mouse during the whole day. My time off was awesome.

  15. To go off track I went to Santa Cruz.Going to Santa Cruz , I was tasting the food so I touched it and picked it up. I saw many rides and they looked like fun. I could also feel the air in my face when i am on the roller coaster. Santa Cruz was as fun as going to six flags. Finally me and my family went to the bumper cars. It was so fun i asked my mom “can we go to the tsunami ride”? I laughed as loud as my brother !

  16.         During my off-track time I had so much fun. On the 6th of May my mom and dad went to the hospital because my mom had pain in her stomach because of the baby. On the 7th the baby was born. Then when it was morning my dad came to pick me up to take me to the hospital to see my little baby brother. When I went in the hospital my dad got me hot coco if I get thirsty it was yummy. I was sooooo excited to see my new born baby brother! Quickly, we entered the elevator to go to floor two. When I saw my baby brother omg, was he so cute. Then on the 9th my mom came home with the baby his face changed. to pick up the baby and feel and touch it was cool. I asked my dad “When can he start speaking?” “It will take 2-3 years.” When we put lotion and baby powder on him he smells very good. So I spent my time off throwing dippers, and spending time with my new baby and my family. To touch the baby felt soft. My off-track time was amazing with my new baby brother

  17. My off track time. My off track time was a little boring .But I still had a good time . It was a little fun because .The first two weeks . I got to go out side and got my sister wet with our water hoes .after we sterdid to larhgt. My off track time was sorta fun.

  18. My off track time was fun. I saw a huge and little igunnas. My family went to a meat shop and it smelled like rotten meat. At my grandmas house i petted her bunny. Every night i will hear chirping noises. I tasted cow foot. Loudly, at the beach i hear children screaming. Feeling, scare was hard, there were gecos and roeches. where i lived at was at Acacutla, a city in El Salvodor. To see my family was exciting. El Salvodor was hot like fire. My off track time was the best!

  19. During my off track time was fun. Spending time with my mom is fun. Also I Incomplet

  20.      My off track time was great beacuse I went to the move. Also I went to my cousins house and I stayed there in fact not telling the truth wen I hit them and that was my off track time and that was super cool also there was one more thing to do it was to go home.

  21. My off track time was pretty fun! I did many things while i was off track. At the park, i played soccer with my friends and cousins. Happily, i went to a restaurant that smelled really good. Foods there smelt really good. I tried the pizza and it has delicious cheese and sauce. After that, i went to Los Angeles. Going to Los Angeles was a place i really wanted to go to because i wanted to meet my cousins. I went to lazertag and it was awesome. To go to there was a great experience and i hung out with my civalians. But when i got my brother he started crying and saying, “I want to shoot you!” What ended my vacation was shopping. I went to go shop with my sister and my mom, at the mall. At the mall, i was stressed. I was stressed because my sister took a bunch of clothes to the dressing room and she ended up only liking one cloth. When i got home i was mad because it was night and i was going to go on track the next day. But, other than that my off track time was amazing and fun.

  22.     Surprisingly, my off-track time was fun. I went fishing at this place called LAKE Berryessa. The catfish there are heavy like a boulders. I hang out with my family. We had a BBQ. The steak and ribs smelled good and tasted wonderful. I also felt the soft BBQ ribs slipping off my hands and then heard my dad say” YUM”! After all that my family and I went to six flags and it was awesome. We also went to state fair and i got 3 gold fish. How was your off-track time?

  23.     How was my off-track time.Super!but I went to my aunties house.First,I seen the pool I was so exited to see the pool.Second,we touch our cat on the head.Next,when I went swiming I heard my cousin sceaming.I had a super!off-track time.

  24.     During my off track time it was amazing. I went to San Fransisco with my uncle,aunt,and rainbow loom bands. Few weeks later we went to watch a movie. The movie is called “Malifiecent.” We ate popcorn and when I touched


  25.         During my off track track time had fun. Happily, going to my grandmas was fun. Swimming almost everyday at my grandmas apartment pool. Do you like going swimming? One day when I was in the pool I heard and seen the helicopter talking.


  26. To go off track was fun. Going to Santa Cruz I was tasting the food so I touched it and picked it up. I saw many rides and all of them looked like fun I could also feel the air in my face when I am on the roller coaster. Santa Cruz was as fun as going to Six Flags. Finally me and my family went on the bumper cars. It was so fun I asked my mom “can we go on the kite ride”? I laughed as loud as my brother!

  27.     Off track was fun. To get to spend time with my family made me feel happy. At Oakland, my family and I went shopping. Driving in San Francisco was lie a roller coaster. Happily, we went to L.A. and got to go to china town. On Sunday was my dad’s birthday and I went buy a cake for him. When I walked in the bakery I can smell fresh cakes out of the oven. After dinner we got the cake out and sang “happy birthday” I saw a smile on my dad’s face because that was the first time i bought a cake for him. And the cake taste delicious! Daddy said “Thank you.” Was your off track time fun?

  28.     My off-track time was pretty okey. When my mom and dad tuck me and my younger brothers to in and out,once we got inside all I heard was people talking and talking,but when we got our fries me and my brother said “mmm I love that smell of fries”. To make me and my brothers happy my mother and father also tuck us to go see the movies The Amzing Spider 2 and Brick Mansions. On may twevle my dad tuck me to the rancho,when I got out of the car all i smelled was horse poop,when i touched the horses fur(hair)it felt like as soft my blackent. luckly, my brother got a bike even better than mine, it had front and back pegs (two), in my haed I was saying “daang your luck!”. buying a soccer ball was awsome beacause it had my favrite team on it(FC BARCALONA!). My off-track time was awsome was your off-trck time cool or not?

  29.      My off track time was good. So were we went first was the carnival. So then as I asked my mom that “could we go and get a prize! So we went to pop balloons and get a prize so it was my turn and I grabbed a dart and the balloon poped like making popcorn! Next To… walmart (To Buy Food). So when we were at walmart but first I was starving so we ordered pizza and ate it. It smelled so good I took a bite of the pizza and it tasted awsome! Then we checked out the games “I had 20 dollars to buy a cheap game and should I ? I said. Then


  30. My off track time was great because I went to the moves. Also I went to my cousins house to play but then I stayed at my cousins house. Because we have the game fifa. Also I went to my other cousins house to go again to the moves another time we saw Rio 2 . And there was one more thing we needed to do is we went in my pool and I did a flip in my pool


  31.         I had a great time being off-track. To spend extra time to be with my family. Having fun and going places with each other. Happily I made a new friend that moved to my neighbor hood. So we can play and hang out together. I enjoyed being off-track.

  32.         I had a somewhat wonderful off-track time. Proving to be okay, my vacation did have some upsides. In Monterey Bay Aquarium, I saw creatures of the sea roam their man-made habitats. Breathlessly, I watched as sharks obediently swam in their receptacle. To touch cold ocean water made my fingers feel as cold as snow. The next day I asked my dad where we were going for the graduation party and he replied ”we’re going to the park”. We were going to the park for the first time in decades! (excuse the exaggeration) ”We’re really going to the park?” I questioned. The swaying sound of trees and the scent of fresh grass the calmed me right down to the bone. After the party was over I saw a flock of ducks swimming by the shore. Vacation was not as superb as I presumed it to be.

  33.          My off track time was good. So were we went first was the carnival. So then as I asked my mom that could we go and get a prize! So we went to pop balloons and get a prize so when it was my turn and I grabbed a dart and aimed at a balloon and guess what it popped like popcorn! Next To… Walmart (To Buy Food). So when we were at walmart I was starving so we got pizza and ate it. So when I almost took a bite of the pizza the pizza smelled so good I took a bite of the pizza and it tasted awsome! then we checked out some games “I had 20 dollars to buy a cheap game should I?” I said. Then I decided to buy the game and play it when we get home. Then we went to the mall cause my dad had to sell his watch. Then we went home and turned on my ps3 and entered the disc in the ps3 and started to play it so when I played it the graphics looked good and when I was racing in the game the sound effects were good too. So I played the game for at least 1 hour and enjoyed playing it so holding my controller I was shaking cause I did not eat for 1 hour so I grabbed and apple and ate it. So my off track time was good and I will never forget it.

  34. During my off track time it was amazing. I went to San Fransisco with my uncle,aunt,and rainbow loom bands. Few weeks later we went to watch a movie. The movie is called “Malificent.” We ate popcorn and when I touched the popcorn it felt buttery. Happily the next day we went to the mall and at the mall I heard lots of noises there. To the smell of bbq a few weeks later was amazing.I soon felt like I was soar in the sky after I bit into the meat. My off track time was awsome!

  35.          My off track time was great because I went to the movies Also I went to my cousins house to play but then I stayed at my cousins house. Because we have fifa. Also I went to my other cousins house to go to the movies again we saw Rio 2. And there was one more thing left we went in my pule and I did a flip and we had a compition of who can hold there breath longer I lost. And that was my off track time it was great

  36. To go off track was fun. Going to Santa Cruz I was tasting the food so I touched it and picked it up. I saw many rides and all of them looked like fun I could also feel the air in my face when I am on the roller coaster. Santa Cruz was as fun as going to Six Flags. Finally me and my family went on the bumper cars. It was so fun I asked my mom “can we go on the kite ride”? I laughed as loud as my brother!

  37.     My off-track time was pretty awesome. When my mom and dad took me and my younger brothers to in and out burger, once me and my brother got our fries me and my said “yummy I love that smell of fries”. To make me and my brothers happy my mother and father took us to go watch The Amazing Spider 2 and Brick Mansions. On may twelve my dad took me to the rancho, when I got outside all I smelled was horse poop. When I touched the horses hair(fur) it felt as soft as my blanket. Amazingly my brother got a cooler bike then me, it even had two pegs on the front and two pegs also on the back wheel, I said in my head “dang your lucky!”. Buying a soccer ball was awesome because it had Barcalona on it. My off-track time was pretty awesome I guess, I wonder how was your off-track time?

  38.         On my off-track time I got ready for my soccer season. Waiting in the car my brother was done tying his shoes. “Where we going daddy?” said my brother. “Were going to buy Alvin’s new cleats.” said my dad. We finally arrived! In the soccer store, to the cleat section. I saw Messi cleats and Ronaldo cleats. The cleats felt smooth. What should I get? Wisely I choose the Messi cleats. To get the Messi cleats made me feel like Messi. I also bought Messi shingaurds and cleat freshener. It smelled like clean linen. I heard my brother say “I’m hungry!!!” We went to eat. It tasted good. When we left it was as hot as a volcano. I got ready for my soccer season when I was off-track.

  39.     My off track time was pretty fun! I did many things while i was off track. At the park, i played soccer with my friends and cousins. Happily, i went to a restaurant that smelled really good. Foods there smelt really good. I tried the pizza and it has delicious cheese and sauce. After that, i went to Los Angeles. Going to Los Angeles was a place i really wanted to go to because i wanted to meet my cousins. I went to lazertag and it was awesome. To go to there was a great experience and i hung out with my civalians. But when i got my brother he started crying and saying, “I want to shoot you!” What ended my vacation was shopping. I went to go shop with my sister and my mom, at the mall. At the mall, i was stressed. I was stressed because my sister took a bunch of clothes to the dressing room and she ended up only liking one cloth. When i got home i was mad because it was night and i was going to go on track the next day. But, other than that my off track time was amazing and fun.

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