

  1. Back in the day the Americans watch the news on poster in 2012 we get it on t.v Back in the day they get messgeners and now we communiate on twitter and facebook. in conclusion there are many similaries an differences between then and now.

  2.     During the time of the American Revolution they have the same ways to get news and some and differntces. We both get news from a newspaper. Another fact is back in the 1700’s they got news from posters or they called them broadsides. Today we get our news from Facebook and twitter. During the time of the American Revolution they had a town crier to shout out news to people. In 2012 we can get news from our cell phones and the internet. In the 1700’s they got news from messengers they hired. These are all the things we have in common and different ways to get the news while in the time of the American Revolution and today in 2012.

  3. These are the diffrences from if you lived at the time of the American Revalution and life today. My first reason is that life today gets news from Fox40 and from magazines. Then from life back then the got news from buldings and billboards to get peopole to join the milatary. My second reason is that we have phones with apps on our phones and the internet. Then they got news from the town crier who yells it out loud. Finally our last reason is that we can get it from the radio. There last reason is that they sat up a community of correspondence and people rode horses and carried mail. These are the diffrences from life today and if you lived at the time of the American Revalution.

  4.      Here are the diffrences of what news was is like know and news back then. How they got mail back then was very diffrent from how we get news know. With small towns they had a town crier. A town crier yelled out the news to everybody. Messages were delivered to the. The last way they got mail was the mail was shipped to them. The way we get news is way diffrent from the past. We have telivision and news. The times you watch news is 10:00, 11:00, 6:00, and 7:00pm.


  5. Here are the diffrences of what news was is like know and news back then. How they got mail back then was very diffrent from how we get news know. With small towns they had a town crier. A town crier yelled out the news to everybody. Messages were delivered to the. The last way they got mail was the mail was shipped to them. The way we get news is way diffrent from the past. We have telivision and news. The times you watch news is 10:00, 11:00, 6:00, and 7:00pm. We can go on the internet on our phones or computers and go on news websites. The radio is another way also. You can hear it from people or see on twitter or facebook. Some ways the present and the past got news was from newspaper. This is the diffrences of the news was like now and back then.

  6. In the Respiratory System you have to breathe air because our body needs oxygen or you will die. First, when you inhale air enters your body through your mouth and nose. Second, your lungs fill with air when you inhale. Next, the movement is controlled by the contracttions of the diaphram.Then, the epiglottis is to protect you from choking when you swallow food. After, air from the mouth and flows down to the pharynx and passes it over to your voice box called the larynx. Lastly, the trachea divides into two branches. Also, the Bronchi are the branches of the trachea. Lastly, the lungs have a right and left lung they fill with air when you inhale. Finally,in the Diaphram air is pulled into and pushed out of the lungs by the Diaphram. In the alveoli gas is exchanged. In conclusion, you always have to breathe because our body needs oxygen.

  7. I am comparing/contrasting what it was llike in the time of the American Revolution and today. The American Revolution had a town crier and we do not. They do not have twitter, and we have twitter,facebook, and myspace. They had comitte of correspendence and child messangers. We have tv news and our newspaper is printed every day. There newspaper is only printed once a week. We both get news and newspaper. We both get mail and messages. That is what we both have in common, and what we have what they do not have.

  8.      Here is how we get news in the present day and back in the day of the American Revolution. In the American Revolution they got news by hiring people to travel to every town on horseback till everyone got the news. While people that are in the present watch news on the television using something call Technology. We can also hear news on the radio or go on the internet to go on twitter or on Facebook. Back in the old days they had town criers to yell news out loud throughout the town. People even nailed posters to trees, poles or other objects. Even though there are many differences between now and the past there is one thing that is still the same, it is that at both times we still have newspaper. In conclusion, although there are many unalike ways to get news, there can also be a same way to get it between the present and the past.

  9. News back then during the american revolution and now is very different but still kind of the same . Back then news was important and so is now . During the time of the american revolution small towns had a town crier . We don’t but we do have TV news . Back then some parents would send their children to give news or messages . We don’t have child messengers . Though another thing we have in common is newspapers . Back then newspapers were printed and so is now . Back then there wasn’t any radios , TV, or cellphones . Now we have radios ,TV,cellphones, the internet and so many other things . We also have news sharing websites , like twitter, facebook , and myspace . As I told news back then and now is kind of the same but still different .

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