

  1. The music at the end is kinda off for the end credits. I like the director he directed well.

  2. It was very interesting and informative. The actors did a great job and it had great shots.

  3. Great movie, but you just need to let the steps a little bit longer so the peolpe see it much better.


  4. The shots were very well filmed the steps were really nice. The music was really nice. I think you have a shot for winning an award for the SEVAs.

  5. That movie was great! Although, there were some scenes that you cut it too early.

  6. In the begining,if this is about how to tie your shoe what does Katherine’s B-day have to do with it.

  7. It was a great movie,but how is a shoe being untied such a big delema.

  8. The steps that you wrote was great.The music choice was great too. At some lines, the voice was kind of wierd.Other than that,your movie was great.

  9. It was a good movie. I like it when you have the steps,but they went too fast I couldn’t read them in time.

  10. I liked how you explained to tie a shoe and I hope you know how to tie a shoe to sarina.

  11. I think it was funny how mellisa forgot how to tie her shoe. I would of liked it better if you realy showed the party .

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