

  1. I think we aren’t done yet because we are missing some of the scenes that we shoted.

  2. There are very nice shots and effects. It is edited very well. Great acting too but I think you need more reasons why to be on time.

    • Thanks, yeah I thought that we should have told more ideas of why we should be on time.

  3. I didn’t like how there was a lot of parts with no speaking.
    The acting was good.
    I liked how you were showing us how to do it.

    • Yeah I didn’t like it either I was about to put music ,but I didn’t want to because I didn’t know what would fit.

  4. Your movie was great! Most of the scenes were dark, so I couldn’t see the actors very well.

    • We wanted more lighting ,but you couldn’t see the alarm clock. Thanks.

  5. I liked the shots that were filmed. I also liked the music and editing. I heard a little bit of laughing.

  6. I liked the music in the begining but Melissa’s little sister took to long to get dressed and I could not see Melissa while she was talking.

    • I thought that she should have taken less time to bend down. thanks for commenting.

  7. It was a great movie. I like it when you guys show how the little girl gets ready for school. I couldn’t see it ,it was too dark.

  8. I liked how you guys did voiceovers on the steps. In the begining shots it was kind of dark. The music you guys used was great.

  9. That was cool but could see alittle of skin in the part when she was dressing.

  10. The movie is great to show kids how to get to school on time.:) I’m having a hard time hearing you.

  11. I liked the movie so so much.I liked the director’s shots that were taken. I’d like to be in an other in a film of Melissa and Litzy’s movies because I thought they did a fantastic job. I might even switch schools when I go into fifth grade because I would like to have the oppurtunity to learn how to make movies because my school doesn’t teach students how to make movies, especially for the SEVAs. All thanks to Melissa and Litzy, I had the opputunity to be in one of Melissa and Litzy’s film. Now since they taught me how to fake sleep without giggling I can trick my mom into thinking that I’m sleeping when it’s late on the weekend.

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