4-27-2011 4-29-33 PMFor many reasons, we are excited that CDE has officially launched the Brokers of Expertise website.  This dynamic, interactive site offers California educators opportunities to connect as a community of teaching professionals and, collaboratively, create resources and/or take the existing resources (such as Thinkfinity) to new levels of best practice.

If you’re new to Brokers of Expertise, the vision of the project is to provide an online environment that:

* Stimulates educators to create, expand their learning, and share knowledge together.

* Increases educator-to-educator engagement and relationships.

* Aligns teacher-intended outcomes with curriculum-defined outcomes (and vice versa).

* Provides information and knowledge support systems for educators (access to research and advice).

* Highlights progress through rigorous assessment & monitoring (improved access to a variety of effective short cycle tests proven in other locations).

* Focuses on student success through effective teaching and learning practices.

* Provides access to resources and materials to teach and develop professionally.

* Develops the skills of new educators.

* Provides a place to safely share struggles, questions, new ideas and success stories.

    Besides all of the above, Brokers of Expertise offers an option we know many EGUSD teachers have been waiting for: the option to upload resources….including videos! Once you’ve registered, you can upload any video format and the B of E site will transform it to a Flash file. No need to unblock filters!!!!

    We would love to hear how you and your colleagues are using the Brokers of Expertise! Please join the conversation.