Parent Permission Letter (For blogging projects – may be edited to suit your specific project/needs/teaching assignment.)


SEVA Entry Form (For Student Educational Video Awards)
Note: SEVA Student Permission Form will be available as soon as SECC posts the link for 2013.

  • Digital Writing Matters

    "At its core, connective writing is the idea that digital writers using digital writing tools create an inherently different kind of writing." ~Bud Hunt
  • Today’s Student

    "A democratic education means that we educate people in a way that ensures they can think independently, that they can use information, knowledge, and technology, among other things, to draw their own conclusions." ~Linda Darling-Hammond
  • 21st Century Skills

    "For educators, the potential changes in the ways our teachers teach and students learn are momentous. The tools of the new Internet give us opportunities for collaborations and for constructivist learning, and allow students to become meaningful contributors to the vast body of knowledge that is the Internet." ~Will Richardson
  • Meta