Teacher and technology integration specialist for the Elk Grove USD
Homepage: http://2webwatchers.edublogs.org
Moving Beyond the Walls of the Classroom
How could blogs and blogging help you extend teaching and learning in your current assignment?
In case this is not on your calendar, February 5 marks the Alliance For Excellent Education’s 3rd annual national Digital Learning Day (DLD). Since last year’s DLD, the Digital Learning Day website has added more ideas and resources for supporting students as digital learners and global citizens. This Digital Learning Day 2014: Make a Difference video introduces the event in less than two […]
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein In […]
We are delighted over the number of recent requests to offer a workshop on Project-Based Learning (PBL). We welcome the opportunity to initiate shared conversations on how technology can support teachers in taking student learning to new levels. So what is PBL all about and how does it connect to the Common Core State Standards? […]
Thanks to a partnership between the California Writing Project and Common Sense Media, and in celebration of National Digital Learning Day, your students are invited “to write digital genres about historic, public, or personal upstanders.” Through podcasts, videos, blog posts, videos, VoiceThreads, Glogs, and more, students are asked to describe how this person is an […]
If you’ve been looking for a rationale and the inspiration for bringing filmmaking into the core curriculum, we recommend listening to KVIE’s Rob on the Road’s recent interview with Jim Bentley, 6th grade teacher at Foulks Ranch Elementary School. Jim was honored at last Spring’s SEVAs as the 2012 recipient of the Allen Hinderstein Award, […]
Congratulations to the talented video teams at John Ehrhardt and Robert J. Fite Elementary Schools! Both sites were awarded $2,000 grants from Big Lots based on their applications and accompanying videos: Kudos to both filmmaking crews! It’s very exciting to students stepping up and taking action to benefit their school sites!
We had the pleasure this last week of visiting three EGUSD school sites to present student awards for the 2012 Digital ID PSA Challenges. Students at Herman Leimbach, Foulkes Ranch, and Elk Grove High School stepped up to the challenge and created winning PSAs that addressed four specific topics (foci) of digital citizenship shown below: […]
On Tuesday, we’ll be sharing the presentation below at CTAP3’s Ed Tech Leadership meeting. The topic is student-created content, something we’re rather passionate about showcasing in the Beyond blog. We used Google’s slideshow program in order to make it easy for teachers across the district and region to add to the resources and showcase student […]