Thank you for joining us on our learning adventures in transitional kindergarten. We have had an awesome year growing, creating, discovering, and exploring new things. We are ready for kindergarten….Let us share with you for the last time!
Reviewing the Alphabet With Fun and Friends (in 21 days)…
A – Autograph Day
B – Bubble Day
C – Cracker and Cookie Day
Graham crackers, cream cheese, and nutella make a great sandwich cookie!
D/E – Dance Exercise Day
F – Favorite Book Day
- Share your favorite book from home.
G – Game Day
- Share your favorite game from home.
H – Hat Day
I – Ice Cream Day
J – Joke Day We shared silly jokes!
K – Kooky Hair Day
L – Luau Day
- Making pineapple kabobs
M – Movie Day with a Mickey Movie
N/O – Nature Day and the Outdoors
Effie Yeaw Nature Center visited our classroom and brought many animals, including Echo the owl and Jasper the gopher snake!
- Jasper the Gopher Snake
- Jasper the Gopher Snake
- Beaver pelt
- Baby Jackrabbit
- Echo the Owl
- Echo the Owl in Flight
P – Picnic Day
Q – Question Day
What was your favorite activity in TK this year?
Please click on the following link to view our Voicethread project –
R – Relay Race Day
S – Silly Socks Day and Solar Cooking
- Making pizza and S’mores
- Cooking with the sun
- Ready yet?
T – Tea Party
U – U.S.A. Day
V – Visitor Day
- Miss Vicky read us a story.
- Mrs. Freeman dances the Tooty Ta with us!
- Miss Barbara read about our favorite pigeon.
- Miss Ashley and Miss Nani sing “How Much Is That Doggy in the Window?
W/X/Y – Water Play Day and Extra Recess in the Yard
- Chalk Painting
- Chalk Painting
- Chalk Painting
- Chalk Painting
- Shaving Cream!
- Shaving Cream!
- Pool Play
- Tunnel Train
- Bubble Magic
- Water Basketball
- Parachute Play
- Parachute Play
Z – Zestful Learning!
Thank you so much for a fabulous year! I’ll miss you, little TKs!