February 1

Brainology # 3

What can we all do about bullying to make our school a better place for everyone?

Posted February 1, 2016 by mspenrose in category Uncategorized

16 thoughts on “Brainology # 3

  1. kaitlyn

    you can give extra homework to the bullying kids and every time they bully you give them extra homework and they will learn there lesson

  2. Tanisha

    We could make our school better for everyone is by making signs. That could make our school better because people could know whats right to do. As you can see that is how that is how we could make a better place for everyone.

  3. Amanda

    You can tell the bully to stop and tell a teacher or a yard duty and your Mom and Dad. They can do something about that.

  4. Quynh

    if you got someone bullying you , i think you have you tell your teacher or your family , they can help you

  5. LeeAustin

    We should stop bulling so we can have a better school like if you bullied someone before you you should stop because if you bully then others think it’s cool so they do and that’s how we start bulling.

  6. Isaiah Lucas

    um Kaitlyn i have to disagree with you because if you just keep them extra homework then they will just keep bulling so you just say they can not have recces.

  7. isaac lucas

    i think that you can be nice to others and you can stop the bullying. if a person is mad you can say have a good day and A nice life.

  8. Amanda

    There should not be more bulling and we need to all be kind and not bully others we can make a difference to be kind and not bully others.

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