
DLD 2014

In case this is not on your calendar, February 5 marks the Alliance For Excellent Education’s 3rd annual national Digital Learning Day (DLD). Since last year’s DLD,  the Digital Learning Day website has added more ideas and resources for supporting students as digital learners and global citizens. This Digital Learning Day 2014: Make a Difference video introduces the event in less than two minutes.

If you are wondering how classrooms, school sites, and districts are participating in DLD, a great starting point is the Digital Learning Day Celebration Map, which includes a search bar and the registration form. As of today, California educators are the top contributors.

Of the many ways you and your students can participate in DLD, here are a few of my favorites:

What does digital  learning look like at your site? Whatever you are doing for February 5 – or anytime starting now, we encourage you to visit the DLD Map Celebration and enter your information.  It would be wonderful to see EGUSD represented on the DLD Celebration Map!