Image via Creative Commons http://www.hyscience.com/9-11.jpg
With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 just a few weeks away, we wanted to share some resources for commemorating an event we cannot forget:
From Edutopia’s Suzie Boss (Reinventing Project-Based Learning co-author) – How to Help Your Students Observe the 9/11 Anniversary – We really like Suzie Boss’s thematic arrangement, starting with Build Resilience to Use the News. The News section includes a link to Renee Hobbs’ excellent guide: Media Literacy Skills: Interpreting Tragedy.
From the New York Times Learning Network – Resources for Teaching about 9/11 – A growing list of resources, with an invitation to join the conversation.
From PBS: American Responds – resources to help educators teach students about peace, tolerance, war, patriotism, geography, and other related issues.
From Teaching for Change: Resources for Teaching about 9/11 – provides links for teachers to address in the classroom including such topics as U.S. foreign policy, Islam, and Arab and Arab American news.
From Facing History & Ourselves: Legacies of September 11 – lesson looks at the issues of civil liberties, freedom and safety and the tensions that may arise in a democracy.
From Thinkfinity.org: 9/11 Never Forgotten – a collection of lessons and resources for elementary-high school
From the Anti-Defamation League (ADL): Committing to Respect – A 9/11 Commemoration – Lessons to help youth, pre-K–12 grade, better understand concepts of bias and discrimination and respond to them in productive ways.
From the New Jersey Dept of Education Commission on Holocaust Education: Learning from the Challenges of Our Time – a K-12 curriculum
From the National Writing Project – Broadcast discussion on NWP Radio: Marking a Moment: Teaching about 9/11 – Wonderful archived discussion on how and what critical literacy practices support students in finding a voice as they navigate the complexities of challenging topics, such as 9/11. Links to lessons and texts referenced in the program will soon be available at the NWP Radio archives.
From Internet Archive – Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive – Incredible collection of video footage of “the events of 9/11/2001 and their aftermath as presented by U.S. and international broadcasters. A resource for scholars, journalists and the public, the library presents one week (3,000 hours from 20 channels over 7 days) of news broadcasts for study, research and analysis, with select analysis by scholars.”
From Larry Ferlazzo: Best Sites to Help Teach about 9/11 – Don’t be overwhelmed by the list. Larry Ferlazzo has reviewed and shared some gems (such as the 9/11 Comic Book) – with a focus on resources for high school ELL students.
If you have resources for teaching about 9/11, please join the conversation and leave a comment!