Welcome to our learning adventures in Transitional Kindergarten at Stone Lake School. Join us as we journey through our 2015-2016 school year making new friends, learning together, and developing language skills — through our voices, songs, and photos.

Please visit often and leave a comment anytime!

Making friends…

 Working together…

Learning together…

Spring Celebration

We celebrated spring with crafts, games, and much fun!


TK bunnies

TK bunnies

Note: Scroll over photo to read captions.

Spring Has Sprung!

We celebrated spring with a bang!…planting sunflowers with our worm compost, watching the caterpillars transform to chrysalises and then flying away as butterflies, and most of all having loads of fun!

Worm Composting – We continue to shred newspaper and feed our worms.

Note: Scroll over photo to read captions

Planting Sunflowers – Our worm compost bin produced beautiful, dark, rich compost which we mixed with potting soil for planting sunflowers!

Note: Scroll over photo to read captions


From Eggs to Butterflies – Watching Them Grow

We watched as the chrysalises hung on for dear life and then magically emerged as beautiful “painted lady” butterflies.



After watching the butterflies for several days, we set them free….

Note: Scroll over photo to read captions


Welcome Watch D.O.G. Dad – Mr. Brown

Stone Lake Elementary is a proud participant in the Watch DOG. dad program.  What’s a dog?  DOG stands for “dads of great kids.”  Our Watch DOG dad helps  in the classroom and meets kids on the playground.  It gives dads an opportunity to volunteer in the classroom, work with students, and be a positive role model.  Meet our Watch DOG dad….Mr. Brown.

Please scroll over photo to read captions.



Celebrating Dr. Seuss – March 2, 2015

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  We celebrate our beloved author of The Cat In the Hat, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and many more…

   Please scroll over photos to read captions


Winter Wonderland – December 2014

Our classroom became an exciting place as we celebrated the season!  We started our celebrations with a holiday show and ended with a day full of games, learning, and fun!

Featuring the Stone Lake TK Singers

Featuring the Stone Lake TK Singers

 Click below to hear us sing!


Note: Scroll over photo to read captions

Science in Our TK World – November 2014

TK is a world of wonderment and awe.  Science opens our eyes to the world.  Let us show you how…

We study Science with our “Letter of the Week” activities.

R is for rocks

R is for rocks


L is for lizard skins

N is for nest

N is for nest

C is for compost bin

C is for compost bin

P is for plants

P is for plants

Two amazing things happened this week.

Upon studying the letter C and starting our (worm) compost bin, the children began and continue to regularly feed the worms and add bedding material (shredded newspaper). As the rain brought slithering worms onto the playground pavement, one very delighted student carefully picked up one of those worms and gently placed it into our compost bin.  What a truly magical sight!

I showed the children various pictures of birds to launch our letter B this week, one of them replied, “I love birds.”  So, I told him that I went to the Cosumnes Wildlife area last weekend to hear and see hundreds of sand hill cranes fly in to roost (which I recorded on my phone).  I took out my phone for him to hear the recording and upon hearing the birds, he started jumping up and down in excitement.  I decided to share the recording with the rest of the class and this is what they did (see photo below) and this is what I heard and recorded…

B is for birds....TKs fly like birds!

B is for birds….TKs fly like sandhill cranes!

Please click the link below to hear us.

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