An Extraordinary Plant

Review “The Unusual Venus Flytrap,” “The Corpse Flower,” and “Against All Odds: Earth’s Fragile Pioneers” from your Ready Common Core books. Think about which plant you consider to be the most extraordinary.  What does it mean to be extraordinary? Which plant was most remarkable and why?

Write an argument to support your opinion.  Remember to include relevant evidence from the passages to support your argument and to organize your reasons clearly. 

Write your paragraph(s) in Google Docs.  After you have reread and edited it, please paste your response as a comment to this post.

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17 thoughts on “An Extraordinary Plant

  1. The Venus Fly Trap

    I believe that the Venus fly trap is better than the corpse flower because you can see it all the time and the corpse flower blossoms for two days.Scientists are guessing that the Venus fly trap closes using electrical pulses and pressure charges.The corpse flower only has a horrible smell and can be only seen two days.The Venus fly trap can be seen forever.In my opinion,I would have better reasons why the Venus fly trap is better than the corpse flower.The Venus fly trap is extraordinary because it eats flies and many other insects that land on top of it would prefer Venus fly traps then corpse flower.

  2. The Venus Flytrap
    I think the Venus Flytrap is the most extraordinary flower out of the flowers. Extraordinary means “very unusual or remarkable. The Venus Flytrap is the most extraordinary because it doesn’t even have eyes but it can still get flies and eat them. It is also cool because it can kill flies that bug you.

  3. The Corpse Flower

    I think the corpse flower is more interesting than the Venus fly trap. It only blooms for 1 or 2 days, it smells like rotting flesh and grows to the size of a man. It was first discovered in may 2003 and bloomed at Bonn Germany.

  4. I believe the Corpse Flower is the best out of the Venus Flytrap and the flowers in Earth’s Fragile Pioneers.I think the Corpse Flower is the best because some people actually like the smell of rotten flesh and people want to actually see the plant as well.
    Also over sixteen thousand (16,000) captivated people have come from all around the world to come see the Corpse Flower in Bonn, Germany.
    Why captivated people want to see the Corpse Flower so much is because the Corpse Flower only blooms once in one or two months which is why the so many captivated people want to see.
    That is why the Corpse Flower is the best out of Venus Flytrap and the flowers in Earth’s Fragile Pioneers.

  5. Venus Flytrap

    I consider the Venus Flytrap to be the most extraordinary than the corpse flower. To me, the definition of extraordinary means one of a kind, unique, and not ordinary. It is more remarkable than the Corpse Flower because it is one of only 670 species of plants that are carnivores, or meat-eaters. The Corpse Flower can only grow in specific parts of the world, but the Venus Flytrap can even live in your home as a pet of some kind, or you can just put it in your home to get rid of those pesky flies! The Corpse Flower doesn’t have anything really remarkable about it, except it can grow up to the size of a man. Meanwhile, the Venus Flytrap still has scientists puzzled on how it can open and close its mouth, since it does not have muscles, tendons, or a nervous system. Scientists, however, are guessing that the plant closes with electrical impulses. All in all, the Venus Flytrap is an extraordinary plant.

  6. The Corpse Flower

    The corpse flower is a unique flower that has captivated many people,and one of those people can be you.People come and see the flower,no matter how bad it smells like rotting flesh.Scientist show that once the flower is fully grown it is as tall as a man.Scientist also show that it only blooms once a year,for 1-2days.This bloomed in Bonn,Germany.

  7. I believe that the Venus flytrap is the most extraordinary plant. I thought that the flytrap was really, really interesting to learn about. I loved learning about how it survives.
    The first reason that I believe the venus flytrap is the most extraordinary plant that we learned about because it is the only living plant. The living plant can also catch their own food. Technically the venus flytrap has a mouth to eat its prey with.The plant can digest small frogs. To catch its prey it clamps down in a instant.
    Another interesting fact about the Venus flytrap is that it has a trap which is a big mystery to scientist that study the it. The trap is what the plant uses to catch its prey. But the question is, how does the trap close because it doesn’t have any muscles, tendons, or a nervous system necessary for movement.
    I believe the Venus flytrap is the most extraordinary plant that we learned about. But that does not mean that you have to. If you don’t know, consider the details in my passage as a very good reason to consider the Venus flytrap as the most extraordinary plant.

  8. The Corpse Flower

    In my opinion I the Corpse Flower is the most extraordinary plant. In this passage it states the corpse flower grows at an impressive rate. Some people don’t like the corpse flower because it smells like rotting flesh. Others think that the smell doesn’t matter to them. This flower was discovered in 1878. Biologist say that corpse flower grows up to six inches a day and nine feet tall. That’s why I think the corpse flower is extraodinary

  9. The Corpse Flower

    I think the corpse flower in my opinion is the best flower out of all the ones listed. The venus flytrap is a plant that lures flies with a smell. The corpse flower is a unique flower that only blooms for two days.When it’s fully bloomed it smells like rotting flesh. The size of the flower is as big as a man. Those are reasons why I think the corpse flower in my opinion is extraordinary.

  10. The Venus fly trap
    The Venus fly trap is more extraordinary than the corpse flower.The Venus fly trap is more extraordinary because it can catch lots of fly’s and can catch its prey when it seals tight so it can digest.It can also digest small frogs.It is an amazing plant and sight to see.

  11. The Corpse Flower

    The Corpse flower is more remarkable because it smells like death and as tall as a man.
    The Corpse flower is very extraordinary because no other flower smells like death in the passage it said that the ¨Corpse Flower can grow as tall as an average man¨. The Corpse flower only last for two day and 16,000 visitors came to see The corpse flower. Scientist believe that the corpse flower is very unusual.In the passage it said that¨The corpse flower is the world’s worst-smelling flower¨.

  12. The Corpse Flower

    I believe that the Corpse Flower is better than the Venus Flytrap and Against All Odds: Earth’s Fragile Pioneers. The Corpse Flower is extraordinary because it smells like rotting flesh, it blooms for 1-2 days, and it grows as tall as a man. The Corpse Flower is very remarkable and unique. It is remarkable because flowers usually smell wonderful, but the Corpse Flower smells like rotting flesh. As you can see, the Corpse Flower is very remarkable.

  13. The Corpse Flower

    In my opinion the Corpse flower is more extraordinary than the Venus Fly Trap. And to be extraordinary means that it is unique and it does things things plants don’t do. The Corpse Flower is more remarkable because it smells of rotting flesh when it blooms. It grows 9 feet tall, taller than the average grown man. And it only blooms for 1-2 days. But most flowers bloom for a whole season, smell good or like pollen, and most flowers are only 1-2 feet unless it’s a sunflower. But not this flower this is not just any ordinary flower.

  14. I think the Corpse Flower is the most extraordinary plant. Extraordinary means to be wonderful. I think that the Corpse Flower is the most remarkable plant because the Corpse Flower smells like rotting flesh when it blooms. It grows an impressive rate. They bloom for only one to two days at a time, and their leaves open to reveal the dark red color of raw flesh. That’s why the Corpse Flower is the most extraordinary plant.

  15. The Corpse Flower

    The corpse flower is a unique flower that has captivated many people around the world.

    In May 2003, more than 16,000 men, women, and children waited in line to see this unusual flower. The flower is very interesting because it can grow up to six inches a day and reach nine feet tall. This plant is remarkable because they bloom for one or two days at a time, and their leaves open to reveal the dark red color of raw flesh.

    When a corpse flower blooms, people flock to witness the unforgettable sight of a man-size flower ripe with the color and scent of death.

  16. The Unusual Venus Flytrap

    The Venus Flytrap is the most unique flower i have ever heard of.
    . Also, “captured” the imaginations of so many people is like, “many admirers”. The Venus Flytrap is the only plant I have ever heard of that can eat or that has a mouth. If a fly flies next to the flower or past the flower it eats it whole. The Venus Flytrap has little spikes on the edge of its mouth that way it’s easier to eat it’s prey.

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