Spring Pictures

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Your child is bringing home his/her spring pictures today. They came out really nice! 🙂 Please take a look and decide if you would like to purchase them. You can buy a portion or all of the package. Please return anything that you decide to NOT purchase. If you pay online, please include the reference number on the payment form and send it back. Your child is being held accountable for returning either the pictures, or payment, so thank you in advance for helipng them to be responsible.

3 thoughts on “Spring Pictures

  1. Thank you Mrs Yenez,

    I will have them requested in court since I was not even notified by the other parent there was or has been a picture day for the last five years.
    I appreciate your communication and keeping me in the loop on these matters.

    Concerned Parent.

    • Pictures and/or money are due by Friday, April 24th. If anyone needs more time, please feel free to contact me and I can work with you. Thank you to those who paid online and sent in the online code. This is required for me to check off your child. Let me know if there’s any other questions.

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