Make Change, Beat Cancer!

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Today we watched a short video to help students understand why we are collecting Pennies for Patients in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Students are asked to bring in any spare change or cash to help raise funds for treatments, patients, and research. Every penny counts! This also ties in perfectly with our Mystery to Medicine reading unit. Students can bring in other things to share related to this unit, or even start their own service learning project to help a cause they believe in.

6 thoughts on “Make Change, Beat Cancer!

    • I know – I think it’s great how many students are taking it very seriously and really care about helping others. It makes me proud.

      Dominic – glad to see you checking it out, but what do you have to say? Tell me your thoughts about today’s video. Or do you have an idea for earning change to donate? Share your thoughts.

  1. Amir told me all about the film. He had tons of questions, he has an aunt that was diagnosed with breast cancer last year at 34 beat that to only find out now she has bone cancer. The film gave him a better understanding of the different types of cancer.

    • So sorry to hear about his aunt. Many of the students were able to make personal connections to the film we saw. We are also in our Medicine Unit for Reading which is leading us to many very interesting discussions. Glad he is coming home and sharing and also getting more questions answered. 🙂

  2. Way to go class! Our change amounted to $26! It didn’t seem like much as we all dropped in a penny here and a dime there, but look at what we did! It all adds up! Thank you for contributing.

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