Elk Grove Unified School District

Student-Led Anti-Cyberbullying Campaign

Elk Grove Unified School District

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You’re Invited to “Stand Up, Speak Out” Against Bullying

On Wednesday, October 28, 2015, the Elk Grove Unified School District will be among the participants at the “Stand Up, Speak Out” 3rd annual youth rally against bullying at the west steps of the State Capitol.  This event will be held from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and will include a wall of acceptance, multi-cultural displays, and a pledge wall to STAND UP, SPEAK OUT against bullying. There will also be giveaways, raffle prizes and booths. The Elk Grove Unified School District will provide information about EGUSD’s anti-bullying efforts.  The event is being presented by the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Tolerance, partnership of OCA (Organization of Chinese Americans), and former Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg.


EGUSD has long had strategies in place for bullying prevention and intervention to help keep students safe and ensure a healthy learning environment.  The district has an extensive board policy on bullying that covers a variety of areas, including cyberbullying, bullying prevention, intervention, complaints and investigation, discipline and enforcement mechanisms.

We look forward to the opportunity to head to the capitol next week and participate in a regional effort to combat all forms of bullying.

Please click here to download the event flyer. 

Stand Up Speak Out! Event at State Capitol Oct. 11

On Saturday, October 11, 2014, the Elk Grove Unified School District will be among the participants at the “Stand Up, Speak Out” youth rally against bullying at the West steps of the State Capitol.  This event will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes music, giveaways and raffle prizes. The Elk Grove Unified School District will have information about district anti-bullying efforts.  The event is being hosted by the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Tolerance.


On October 7, 2014, the EGUSD Board of Education took action on a resolution to declare October as National Bullying Prevention Month.  EGUSD has long had strategies for bullying prevention and intervention in place to help keep students safe and ensure a healthy learning environment.  The district has an extensive board policy on bullying that covers a variety of areas, including cyberbullying, bullying prevention, intervention, complaints and investigation, discipline and enforcement mechanisms.

EGUSD also participated in the Stand Up Speak Out! event last year, you can read about it here.

EGUSD to Participate in Cyberbullying Panel Discussion

You’re on the internet daily. So are they: Cyber-Bullies. How can you protect yourself? Join EGUSD’s Gail Desler and Social Media Club Sacramento (SMCSac) for an informative panel discussion on September 30, 2014.

In preparation for Bullying Prevention Month in October, Social Media Club Sacramento is hosting a panel discussion to discuss the threat of cyberbullying, how to avoid it (cybersaftey) and what to do when faced with a cyberbully. Cyberbullying is a real threat, children have killed each other and committed suicide after having been involved in a cyberbullying incident.

If you are unfamiliar with the term, “cyberbullying” is when a child or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the internet, interactive technologies (like gaming systems) or mobile phones. It must involve a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor.

The content of the discussion for both adults, parents and adult guardians of children, not for young children.


Lisa Kaplan, Board Member, Natomas Unified School District, CEO, Kaplan Law Group

Panel Members

Thomas Dodson from Above the Fray, is the cofounder of a team dedicated to empowering young people to overcome the dark side of social media. Above the Fray teaches parents what it’s truly like for young people right now in teh cyber trenches; how it’s affecting their minds and bodies; and offers real solutions to parents that will help keep children safe. More about Above the Fray at BeAbovetheFray.org

Lokesh Sisodiya, a Senior Architect for Cisco, is a member of the (ISC)2 Sacramento Chapter and the co-founder and president of the East Bay Chapter. (ISC)2 is the global, not-for-profit leader in educating and certifying information security professionals throughout their careers and is known for it’s Gold Standard certifications and world class education programs. Lokesh is a frequent speaker at SSO, Cyberbullying, and Cyber-safety presentations for students, parents, teachers and other community members. At Cisco, he is working on various Infrastructure and Application security initiatives.

Detective Sean Smith is a 21 year veteran of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department and has been assigned to the Hi-Tech Crimes Bureau and Sacramento Valley Hi-Tech Crimes Task Force since 2006. In addition to investigating identity theft and internet related crimes, including child exploitation and child enticement cases, he is also a computer/cellular telephone forensic examiner and instructor for both the California District Attorneys Association and the California Department of Justice in the areas of Hi-Tech Crimes, Social Networking Investigations, and cellular telephone forensics.

Gail Desler is a technology integration specialist for the Elk Grove Unified School District, where she focuses on promoting digital literacy and digital citizenship with K-12 students and staff. Helping students use technology as a global microphone for addressing community and worldwide issues is at the center of Gail’s work. She is the co-author of “Driving Without a License: Digital Writing Without Digital Citizenship,” the opening chapter for Solution Tree Press’s Using Technology to Enhance Writing. To learn more about Gail’s work, visit the Digital ID Project and EGUSD Digital Citizenship.


6 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Check-in, socializing
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Panel Discussion
7:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Wrap-up, raffle, socializing


2030 W. El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95833




Click here to register for the September 30, 2014 event

Follow the event on Twitter using the hashtag #SMCSAC

#KAMSunfollowbullying… Be the Change!

Katherine L. Albiani Middle School hosted their own Cyberbully Awareness Week in late January. The week was filled with different lunch time activities to promote positive digital citizenship. Students held a pledge day on Friday where they signed anti-bullying pledges in exchange for #UnfollowBullying wristbands.


Students partnered with Pleasant Grove High School in creating a video about cyberbullying that was shown during 3rd period on Friday and shared through School Loop. Students were also encouraged to create posters for the #KAMSunfollowbullying Art Competition. Students incorporated #KAMSunfollowbullying – Be the Change! into their poster artwork. The winning artist’s posters were displayed in the quad on Wednesday, January 29th.

Katherine Albiani Middle School

Across the district, EGUSD students continue to send the message to their peers that cyberbullying isn’t cool.  We invite all EGUSD schools to submit events, activities and lessons stemming from the #UnfollowBullying campaign.

#UnfollowBullying at State Capitol

On October 1, 2013, #UnfollowBullying was featured at the first annual Stand Up, Speak Out youth rally against bullying at the State Capitol. Event participants created #UnfollowBullying tweets for Twitter boards and took the #UnfollowBullying pledge. 

#UnfollowBullying Tweet Board

The event was presented by the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Tolerance, a partnership of Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and OCA Sacramento. Event attendees included EGUSD Superintendent Steven M. Ladd, Ed.D., EGUSD Board Member Bobbie Singh-Allen, who spoke at the event, Steve Mate, Director of Technology Services, Elizabeth Graswich, Director of Communications, Gail Desler, Technology Integration Specialist, Kathleen Watt, Web Specialist and Tami Silvera, Project Implementor, Positive Youth Development Programs. 

EGUSD #UnfollowBullying Table

Sheldon High School students created the initial tweets that were featured on the Twitter boards.

Stand Up, Speak Out Event at the State Capitol – October 1

On October 1, 2013, the Elk Grove Unified School District will be among the participants at the “Stand Up, Speak Out” youth rally against bullying at the West steps of the State Capitol.  This event will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and include music, giveaways and raffle prizes. The Elk Grove Unified School District will have information about our award-winning #UnfollowBullying student-led campaign and other anti-bullying efforts.  The event is being hosted by the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Tolerance.

Please click here to download the event flyer.

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