Sheldon High School promoted the district wide #UnfollowBullying campaign by having students pledge to do their part in preventing bullying from occurring around them. Students were given the #UnfollowBullying blue wristbands after pledging as reminders of their commitment.  Those with twitter accounts were given the opportunity to sign their Twitter names on Twitter bird cut outs. These cut outs were then displayed on a tree next to the  giant sized pledge poster.

Sheldon High School also created an official Twitter account and encouraged students to #UnfollowBullying.

Two hundred and eighty two SHS students came together to pledge to support #UnfollowBullying.

Sheldon did not stop there. They continued to weave the campaign into the classroom. Shawn Sullivan, founder of the Animation Program and animation teacher at Sheldon, encouraged his students to show support of the campaign through their artwork. The Animation and Game Design Program has grown to be one of the most popular programs at Sheldon and Shawn’s students did a brilliant job of  showcasing the blue #UnfollowBullying wristbands throughout their work.

Sheldon High school is stepping up as a community to inspire others to challenge and delete cyberbullying. Way to go Sheldon!