
Safety Tips

When Crossing the Streets…

  • Always let your bus driver be the first person off the bus. The driver needs to activate the bus’s “red lights” that flash on the outside of the bus. This warns cars to stop for children at each bus stop and for children crossing the street.
  • Once your driver is off the bus, you can walk down the bus steps, and wait on the sidewalk, next to the bus, for your bus driver to direct you to cross the street. Never go out into the street without the bus driver telling you to do so!
  • Always walk between the front of the bus and the bus driver who is in street stopping traffic, as you cross the street.
  • Once you are on the other side of the street, stay on that side of the street. Do not play in the street.  Go directly home.

This information has been provided to assist parents and students in understanding the policies and procedures the Elk Grove Unified School District Transportation Department has implemented to insure the safe transportation of your children. It is through increased parental awareness and communication with our community that we feel we can meet this goal, and we appreciate your support. Please review this information with your student. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Danger Zones

Tips For Walking to and From the Bus Stops…

  • Go directly to the bus stop and directly home at the end of your bus ride.
  • Plan and use the safest route with the fewest streets to cross.
  • If possible, cross at a signaled intersection. Always use the crosswalk. Before crossing, look left, right and left, and over your shoulder for traffic. Continue to look as you cross the road.
  • Students needing to cross the street, in which the bus is stopped to load students, must wait for the school bus driver to exit the bus, stop traffic, and escort student across the street in front of the bus.
  • Watch for turning vehicles.
  • Do not dart from between parked cars or shrubbery.
  • Never accept a ride from a stranger.
  • If possible, face traffic when walking on roads without sidewalks, and always use caution.
  • Be careful during times of sunrise and sunset, bad weather, and during darkness (wear white clothing or something reflective.)
  • Leave home early to avoid running to your bus stop or school.
  • All Pre-Kindergarteners, Transitional Kindergarteners, and Kindergarten students are to be met at the bus entry doors by a responsible custodian for a hand-to-hand transfer. The appropriate custodian should be present at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the stop time to anticipate the busses arrival. This will help facilitate a smooth exchange of custody from the school bus driver to the responsible custodian. When dropping off students at a bus stop where student(s) require a hand-to-hand transfer and a parent is not present to receive their student(s) upon the school busses arrival, the student(s) may be returned to school.

Tips for School Bus Loading Zones /Bus Stops…

  • Stand in lines or a group facing traffic so you can see the bus approaching. Stand back 12 feet from where the bus will stop. Do not approach the bus until the driver opens the bus door.
  • When loading at a school, follow the directions of the driver and/or teacher on bus duty.
  • Make sure you are getting on the right bus. Many buses service our district at many of the same bus stops. Verify that you are entering the correct bus.
  • Teach your child to ask the driver or teacher on bus duty for help if something drops near the bus. NEVER go under or stoop down in front of any bus to retrieve papers or other items. The bus driver cannot see you in the “danger zone” or under the bus.
  • Never, never run to a bus; always walk.
  • Destroying property, playing in or running across the street or any horseplay is dangerous and prohibited.
  • Do not bring pets to a bus stop.
  • Large school projects, large band instruments, razor scooters, and skateboards cannot be transported on the bus. Please make other arrangements to get your child’s items to school.
  • When the bus is stopped to load or unload, the students are the direct responsibility of the bus driver, and the driver’s directions must be followed.
  • School buses can only stop at designated bus stops. If you miss the bus, have mom or dad take you to school. Remember NEVER run after your bus once it leaves!
  • If waiting for the bus in a car, be on the same side of the road as the bus stop.