9/5 Homework

Math: PB 4-1 Fact Families

Social Studies: Ch 5-7 Vocabulary Quiz (finish)

Comet Code Store is open on Monday, September 9 at 9:20-9:40. Make sure your coupons are at school on Monday.

Fieldtrip update: the cost of the fieldtrip to Indian Grinding Rock is $20.50, not $17. Sorry for the inconvenience.


9/4 Homework

Math: fact fluency on Moby Max (about 10-15 min.)

Read 20 minutes

Field trip permission slips went home today for our trip to Indian Grinding Rock State Park on November 8. Let me know if you have any questions.

On Saturday, September 21 from 9am – 12 pm there is a shredding event at Carroll Elementary sponsored by our Carroll PTA. $5 per box or bag.

9/3 Homework

Parents, as mentioned in the previous post: no Spelling this week or Anthology story.

Math: Ch 3 test results are posted in Savvas and in Synergy. If your child scored an 11/17 or less, they will retake the test in about a week.

Tonight for Math they should focus on Fact Fluency in Moby Max. They also may go onto Khan Academy and work at their own pace on 3rd grade math standards.

Read 20-30 minutes

8/29 Homework

Math: Fact Fluency 10 min on Moby Max We are reviewing Ch 3 (today and Friday). Test will be on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Spelling: sentences 16-20 (weekly quiz tomorrow)

Grammar: finish 2.1.4 (quiz tomorrow)

Vocabulary Slides (due tomorrow) (quiz tomorrow)

Animal Report: Students selected an animal today that will be the focus of a digital report. They are in the research phase (physical features) of the project. They were given research resources along with the cover slide and the “Physical Features” slides.

8/27 Homework

Math: PB 3-6 (Parents, students were challenged to master their math facts [addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division] in Moby Max. Students earn $100 Stults dollars for each operation they master. Please encourage them to reach their goals)

Spelling: sentences 6-10

Vocabulary Slides / read for 15 minutes

Student photos that were purchased went home today.

Spelling and Vocabulary Lists for Week of August 26, 2024

Spelling: long i and long u

  1. sky
  2. fry
  3. pie
  4. tied
  5. tight
  6. right
  7. bright
  8. grind
  9. child
  10. cube
  11. cute
  12. mule
  13. music
  14. drew
  15. few
  16. coast
  17. scold
  18. bone
  19. mighty
  20. Utah

Vocabulary: Unit 2, Week 1 There are practice games in Google Classroom as well.

  • attempt
When you make an attempt to do something, you try to do it.
  • awkward
When a person is awkward , he or she is clumsy and not graceful.
  • created
When something is created , it is made or built.
  • furiously
When you act furiously , you act in a way that shows you are very angry.
  • interfere
When I interfere , I get in the way of something happening.
  • involved
When you let people get involved in an activity, you let them take part in it.
  • timid
When a person is timid , he or she is shy and not brave.
Cognate: tímido