Math: 6.1 digital Practice Buddy
Spelling: sentences 1-5
Vocabulary Slides
Read 15-20 minutes
3rd grade tee shirts went home today.
Math: 6.1 digital Practice Buddy
Spelling: sentences 1-5
Vocabulary Slides
Read 15-20 minutes
3rd grade tee shirts went home today.
Math: Ch 5 Test tomorrow- reivew the Ch 5 practice test
Spelling: sentences 16-20
Vocabulary slides due tomorrow
Students asked and they may wear pajamas tomorrow if they like.
Reminder that tomorrow students will track off (1:00 pm) and return on November 4.
Report card will go home tomorrow.
Math: PB 5-6
Spelling: sentences 1-5
Vocabulary Slides (1)
Read 20 minutes
Return Library books.
Spelling List:
Vocabulary Unit 2, Week 5
To bounce is to spring back after hitting something. |
An inventor is a person who creates something for the first time. |
An observer is someone who watches something |
Math: PB 5-4
Spelling: sentences 16-20 (quiz tomorrow)
Vocabulary Slides finish (quiz tomorrow on Vocabulary and comprehension on Whooping Cranes in Danger)
Math: PB 5-3
Spelling: sentences 10-15
Vocabulary Slides (2)
Math: PB 5-1 (Ch 4 test results are in Savvas and Synergy)
Spelling: sentences 1-5
Vocabulary Slides (2)
Spelling: r-controlled vowels
Vocabulary: Unite 2, Week 4 Anthology Story: “Whooping Cranes in Danger”
When people are caretakers , they care for a person or animal and keep it safe. |
A population of animals is all the animals of the same kind living in a place. |
When you recognized someone, you remembered that person from the past. |
When two people are relatives , they are members of the same family. Cognate: relativo |
Resources are things that are available to be used when needed, such as water. |
When people or animals survive a dangerous event, they stay alive. |
When something is threatened , it is in danger of being hurt. |
Math: finish the Ch 4 Practice Test (textbook) pgs. 161-162 #10-18 (Test tomorrow)
Spelling: sentences 16-20
Vocabulary Slides (finish)
Math: Ch 4 Practice Test p. 159-160 in textbook (#1-9)
Spelling: sentences 11-15
Vocabulary Slides