10/3 Homework

Math: Ch 5 Test tomorrow- reivew the Ch 5 practice test

Spelling: sentences 16-20

Vocabulary slides due tomorrow

Students asked and they may wear pajamas tomorrow if they like.

Reminder that tomorrow students will track off (1:00 pm) and return on November 4.

Report card will  go home tomorrow.

Spelling and Vocabulary for Week of September 30

Spelling List:

  1. sharp
  2. yard
  3. artist
  4. carve
  5. porch
  6. storm
  7. sport
  8. stor
  9. chore
  10. shore
  11. sore
  12. hoard
  13. oars
  14. pour
  15. your
  16.  learn
  17. word
  18. turns
  19. orchard
  20. ignore

Vocabulary Unit 2, Week 5

  • bounce
To bounce is to spring back after hitting something.
  • inventor
An inventor is a person who creates something for the first time.
  • observer
An observer is someone who watches something
    • imagine  To imagine something is to picture it in your head.

Week of September 23 Spelling and Vocabulary Lists

Spelling: r-controlled vowels

  1. whirl
  2. third
  3. girls
  4. firm
  5. fern
  6. herds
  7. stern
  8. serve
  9. hurt
  10. nurse
  11. turns
  12. learn
  13. pearl
  14. word
  15. world
  16. stretch
  17. thick
  18. whales
  19. perfect
  20. Thursday

Vocabulary: Unite 2, Week 4 Anthology Story: “Whooping Cranes in Danger”

  • caretakers
When people are caretakers , they care for a person or animal and keep it safe.
  • population
population of animals is all the animals of the same kind living in a place.
  • recognized
When you recognized someone, you remembered that person from the past.
  • relatives
When two people are relatives , they are members of the same family.
Cognate: relativo
  • resources
Resources are things that are available to be used when needed, such as water.
  • survive
When people or animals survive a dangerous event, they stay alive.
  • threatened
When something is threatened , it is in danger of being hurt.