Dear 3rd Grade Families,
Being it’s the week before our break, I’m only going to have the students work on the Math Fluency on Moby Max 10 minutes/day and read for 20 minutes/ day.
Mr. Stults
Dear 3rd Grade Families,
Being it’s the week before our break, I’m only going to have the students work on the Math Fluency on Moby Max 10 minutes/day and read for 20 minutes/ day.
Mr. Stults
Math: PB 7-5 (Ch 7 Test on Monday)
Spelling: Sentences 16-20 (quiz tomorrow)
Finish Vocabulary slides
“Earth” Quiz tomorrow (focus on vocabulary and comprehension)
Parents, the Holiday Craft Fair is this Saturday from 10am- 2pm in the MP Room at Carroll.
Spelling: sentences 6-10
Fact Fluency 10 min.
Read 20 min.
I have planning days on Tuesday and Wednesday. We did not finish Math lesson 7-5 today as it was difficult. We will return to it on Thursday when I return.
Math: Fact Fluency 10 min.
Spelling: sentences 1-5
Vocabulary Slides (2)
Reading for 20 minutes should happen every day.
Vocabulary: Unit 3, Week 3
The amount of something is how much of that thing there is. |
Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets. Cognate: astronomía |
The globe is the world. Cognate: globo |
The solar system includes Earth and the planets that move around the sun. Cognate: sistema solar |
If you support someone or something, you provide what they need. |
The temperature of something tells how hot or cold that thing is. Cognate: temperatura |
When you feel the warmth of the sun, you feel its heat. |
Spelling: dipthongs (sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable)
Math: PB 7-4/Fact Fluency 10 min.
Spelling: sentences 16-20 /quiz tomorrow
Vocabulary Slides finish/review definitions
“Finding Lincoln” anthology assessment tomorrow
Math: PB 7-3
Fact Fluency in Moby Max (10 min.)
Spelling: sentences 11-15
Vocabulary Slides (2) due Friday
There is a Carroll Band Concert on Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 in the Multi-Purpose Room!
Math: PB 7-2
Spelling: sentences 6-10
Vocabulary Slides (Google Classroom) (2)
Moby Max: Fact Fluency
Math: 7.1
Spelling: sentences 1-5
Vocabulary Slides (2)
Fact Fluency on Moby Max (10 minutes min.)
Vocabulary: Unit 3, Week 2
When you look at something with amazement , you are surprised. |
When things disappear , you cannot see them anymore. Cognate: desaparecer |
If you donated something to a person or group, you gave something to help. Cognate: donar |
A leader is a person who guides or leads others. Cognate: líder |
If you are nervous , you are upset or worried about something. Cognate: nervioso |
If you refused to do something, you would not do it. |
Something that is temporary lasts only for a short time. |
Spelling: prefixes: mis-, pre-, dis-