1/14 Homework

Math: PB 8-5/Parents, I put three Khan Academy videos in Google Classroom for students who may need to hear rounding explained a different way. These are not mandatory, but I do encourage that they watch them.

Spelling: sentences 6-10

Vocabulary slides (2)


Vocabulary and Spelling List for Week of Jan. 6

Vocabulary: Unit 3, Week 4
  • effective
Something that is effective works well.
Cognate: efectivo
  • example
An example is a thing that is used to show what other similar things are like.
Cognate: ejemplo
  • identical
Things that are identical are exactly the same.
Cognate: idéntico
  • material
Material is the stuff used to make something.
  • model
If something is a model , it is a small copy of something.
Cognate: modelo
  • observed
When something is observed , it is looked at closely.
Cognate: observar
  • similar
Similar things are alike but not exactly the same.


  1. spoon
  2. goose
  3. booth
  4. gloom
  5. rude
  6. tube
  7. due
  8. clues
  9. true
  10. chew
  11. July
  12. look
  13. shook
  14. notebook
  15. could
  16. coins
  17. joyful
  18. round
  19. classroom
  20. childhood

Week of January 2-3, 2025

Dear 3rd Grade Families,

I hope you had a relaxing break from school.

Next Monday we will begin Ch 8 in Math. Here is a link that might help you help your 3rd grader as we navigate the various lessons in the chapter. Please notice at the bottom of the page, there are helpful links for each lesson in the chapter.

Tonight, students can work on their math facts in Moby Max, or go on Khan Academy and work on their Math program. As always, they should read 20 minutes every day.