3/6 Homework

Math: tomorrow is the Ch 9 test. We reviewed the practice test today that is found in the textbook.

Spelling: sentences 16-20 Quiz tomorrow

Vocabulary: slides (finish) Quiz tomorrow

Read “Amazing Life of the Mojave” in their Anthology or Google Classroom Quiz tomorrow

Spelling and Vocabulary List for Week of February 24

Dear Families, I hope you had a relaxing break. We track back on on Monday, February 24th.

Vocabulary Unit 4, Week 2

  • apologized
If you apologized , you said you were sorry.
  • attention
When you give something your attention , you watch, listen, or concentrate on it.
Cognate: atenci ón
  • audience
An audience is a group of people gathered to hear or see something.
Cognate: audiencia
  • confidence
When you have confidence , you have trust or faith in something or someone.
  • embarrassed
When you feel embarrassed , you feel shy, uncomfortable, or ashamed.
  • realized
If you realized something, you understood it completely.
  • talents
Talents are natural abilities or skills. Cognate: talentos


achievement: an achievement is something you accomplish.

aSpelling: Homophones

  1. sale
  2. sail
  3. beet
  4. beat
  5. rode
  6. road
  7. rowed
  8. its
  9. it’s
  10. your
  11. you’re
  12. their
  13. they’re
  14. peace
  15. piece
  16. taught
  17. talked
  18.  bought
  19. seen
  20. scene

Week of January 27

Dear 3rd Grade Families,

This week the students only “homework” will be to read for 15-20 minutes and do Moby Max Fact Fluency/Khan Academy for 10 to 15 minutes.

Tomorrow is the field trip to the State Railroad Museum. If you signed up to chaperone, make sure to sign into the office prior to coming to the D-6. Thanks to all of you for supporting our off-site learning. Please be sure to bring a lunch, if chaperoning, as we’ll eat in Old Sac.

Please return all Library books tomorrow, or no later than Wednesday.