Week of March 3-7 Spelling and Vocabulary

Spelling: soft c and g

  1. pounce
  2. placed
  3. dice
  4. cents
  5. price
  6. space
  7. mice
  8. office
  9. wage
  10. age
  11. gyms
  12. giant
  13. changes
  14. message
  15. pages
  16. your
  17. road
  18. peace
  19. giraffe
  20. peaceful

Vocabulary: Unit 4  Week 3

  • alert
To alert is to give warning.
Cognate: alerta
  • competition
competition is a situation in which people or animals are trying to be more successful than others.
Cognate: competencia
  • environment
An environment is the natural features of a place.
  • excellent
Something that is excellent is very good.
Cognate: excelente
  • prefer
To prefer is to like better.
Cognate: preferir
  • protection
Protection is when something is kept safe.
Cognate: protección
  • related
To be related is to belong to the same family.

Week of January 27

Dear 3rd Grade Families,

This week the students only “homework” will be to read for 15-20 minutes and do Moby Max Fact Fluency/Khan Academy for 10 to 15 minutes.

Tomorrow is the field trip to the State Railroad Museum. If you signed up to chaperone, make sure to sign into the office prior to coming to the D-6. Thanks to all of you for supporting our off-site learning. Please be sure to bring a lunch, if chaperoning, as we’ll eat in Old Sac.

Please return all Library books tomorrow, or no later than Wednesday.




Spelling and Vocabulary Lists: week of Jan. 21-24


  1. taught
  2. hauls
  3. caused
  4. paused
  5. squawk
  6. drawing
  7. crawl
  8. flowless
  9. lawn
  10. salt
  11. talked
  12. halls
  13. water
  14. bought
  15. thoughless
  16. inches
  17. cities
  18. cherries
  19. walrus
  20. autumn


  • aroma

An aroma is a pleasant or agreeable smell or fragrance. Cognate: aroma

  • expect

To expect means to think or suppose something.

  • flavorful

When something is flavorful , it is tasty and full of flavor.

  • graceful

Something that is graceful is beautiful or pleasing in design, movement, or style.

  • interrupted

When something is interrupted , it is stopped for a time or broken off.
Cognate: interrumpir

  • luscious

Something that is luscious smells or tastes delicious.

  • variety

variety is a number of different things.
Cognate: variedad

Week of January 2-3, 2025

Dear 3rd Grade Families,

I hope you had a relaxing break from school.

Next Monday we will begin Ch 8 in Math. Here is a link that might help you help your 3rd grader as we navigate the various lessons in the chapter. Please notice at the bottom of the page, there are helpful links for each lesson in the chapter.

Tonight, students can work on their math facts in Moby Max, or go on Khan Academy and work on their Math program. As always, they should read 20 minutes every day.