Spelling and Vocabulary List: 8/12

Spelling List: Unit 1, Week 4 (Long a)

  1. plain
  2. braid
  3. fail
  4. grain
  5. snail
  6. paint
  7. sway
  8. tray
  9. gray
  10. stay
  11. state
  12. fake
  13. same
  14. weigh
  15. they
  16. fine
  17. skate
  18. globe
  19. sleigh
  20. afraid

Vocabulary:U1, Week 4

  • encouraged
When you are encouraged , you are given hope to do something.
  • examine
When people examine something, they look at it very carefully.
Cognate: examinar
  • investigation
In an investigation , people search carefully for something.
Cognate: investigación
  • quality
Quality items are made of the finest materials.
  • simple
When something is simple , it is easy to do. Cognate: simple
  • solution
solution is a way to fix a problem. Cognate: solución
  • substitutes
Substitutes take the place of something else.

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