VIC – Teamwork

This month, Prairie Elementary is recognizing students who show the Very Important Character trait, teamwork.   Which one of your classmates do you believe deserves the VIC award for being a team player?  Write an argumentative paragraph explaining why he/she deserves the award.

Your paragraph should include the following:

Claim a clear topic sentence/claim stating the student you believe deserves to be recognized
Evidence three reasons, examples, or evidence that support your claim
Reasoning Explain why your evidence supports the claim providing logical connections between the evidence and claim
Conclusion summary of the information that supports the claim

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24 thoughts on “VIC – Teamwork

  1. This month’s character is teamwork, teamwork is someone who takes the first step, help those in need, or sets a good example for others. There are many people that I know who have teamwork, but I only can choose one. The person I will be choosing for this month’s VIC is Akila. I choose Akila because whenever there is a issue or argument that needs to be resolved, she will be the person who puts a stop to it. She wouldn’t keep on arguing she would take a step forward and end the violence and solve the situation. When someone doesn’t know how to play a game, Akila would go and help that person she wouldn’t laugh a call them rude names. During W.I.N she would work with her group, and not just independently, she knew that if she had worked independently her team wouldn’t have understand the lesson. Akila is one of many people that show teamwork in different ways, and this is why I nominated Akila to be the VIC of the month.

  2. VIC Teamwork
    There are a lot of my classmates that is good at teamwork but I believe that Janeth should be VIC for this month. Well, the first reason that she should be VIC is that, she let’s other people talk\ add something to what she said. This means that she is good at teamwork because if she is just let everyone listen to her then everyone wouldn’t be participating in the activities that our teacher gave us. Also then Janeth isn’t being a true team player if she tries to everything herself. Another reason that Janeth should be VIC is that she helps her classmates that need it. You know that this means that Janeth should be VIC because some of our classmates teases others since they don’t know how to do the problem, but not Janeth instead she helps. The final way that Janeth should be VIC is that she sets good examples for others. This shows that she be VIC because if your setting good examples good examples for your team then what do you think they’re going to do, be good. As I said before there are a lot of my classmates that i could’ve choose, but I believe that Janeth should be VIC for Teamwork.

  3. V.I.C

    For VIC I choose Payton. I am choosing Payton because he is a person that cares about others. One reason that he cares about others is when someone is hurt he goes and helps them or tell the yard duty that someone is hurt. Then, when a person feels bad he goes where the kid is sitting and tries to make them feel better by making them laugh. Another reason, I am choosing Payton because he plays fair . One way he plays fair is when he loses he says “good game”. If he wins he says “good try”.My last reason I chose Payton is that when we are in class he has us do everything fun.Like when we are supposed to work in are groups he makes us laugh but finish are work to. All in all I chose Payton for VIC.


    For VIC we have teamwork, I will be picking William. I have many reasons how he works together and how he deserves to be recognized VIC this month. The first reason I picked him for VIC is because he likes to work with anyone. When no one wanted me in their team, William says if I want to be on his team. This shows VIC because he would be willing to take anyone on his group or his team. I didn’t feel lonely no more since he wanted me on his team. The second reason is because when he sees a kid who didn’t get picked with a partner he would like to work with him on anything during school hours. This shows teamwork because he always likes to work with the lonely people so the person could get a friend. The third reason why he should be VIC is because whenever he sees someone in trouble with a problem he likes to help him out in his problem. This is great because even though it’s not his problem he likes to work together with someone’s problem/s. All in All, William should be deserved VIC because he is the most hardworking partner and friend I ever had.

  5. Most of our class is full of team players who exhibit teamwork, but I think that the person deserving of V.I.C is Ezequiel. One example of teamwork that he has showed is when Ezequiel, Omari, Lizbeth, Spencer, and I were a group, he always was willing to work together and help others. Ezequiel shows teamwork in this way because he was willing to help others, which was kind and selfless of himself. Another example I can give of Ezequiel being a team player is that he always plays fairly at recess and will always explain the rules to someone who is new to the game that we are playing. This shows teamwork because he is willing to be patient with others and to help them. The last example that shows Ezequiel exhibiting teamwork is when he knows someone is stuck on something, he always helps them. This shows teamwork because Ezequiel wants to help others, which shows he is a team player. In conclusion, Ezequiel exhibits teamwork consistently and is very caring toward his classmates.

  6. V.I.C-Teamwork

    For this V.I.C I think that Payton would make a perfect V.I.C the character trait for this month is teamwork. The reason I am choosing Payton is because he is fair, plays well with other, and he always works together with people especially in soccer. Whenever we play soccer he always works with others like he passes the ball to everyone. Payton is very likeable he is funny, nice, and hard working he always is working with other people and usually never has a problem with any of our classmates. Also I don’t think Payton has been V.I.C before and Hope that most of my classmates get a chance to be V.I.C. I hope Payton gets chosen V.I.C because he has all of the character traits and he has never been V.I.C before. Those are my reasons why I chose Payton for V.I.C.

  7. V.I.C

    Have you ever had to make a hard decision choosing a person who used teamwork the best, well I have to right now. Today for teamwork I´m going to be choosing Amari.The first reason I’m going to be choosing Amari is because when we do P.E. she cooperates with her group.This shows teamwork because she could’ve worked independently she did not. The Second, reason is when we play jump rope at recess she waits her turn and when someone needs her to turn the rope she does it without even saying no. This shows teamwork because she could’ve said no I´m not doing it but she did not . The last reason I choose Amari is because when I need help with my homework she helps me ( she does not tell me the answer) Like if I need help with math she would help me. Even though it was a tough decision I picked Amari.

  8. V.I.C – Teamwork
    V.I.C for Thursday is teamwork. I would Like to nominate Omari.

    I would like to nominate Omari because when someone needs help on the chrome book he does not say “Wow you don’t know how to that”. He says “I’ll help them”. This is teamwork because He helps others when they need it.

    I also nominate Omari because when someone got in trouble for throwing a ball at recess after the whistle and Coach Jones did not know who threw it and so Omari was him. This is teamwork because Omari took the blame for someone else even though he did not do it.

    I finally nominated Omari because I am the only girl who plays basketball with the boys. Some of the boys say no I can’t play. But Omari always says I can play if I want to. This shows teamwork because he always plays fair even if it’s a girl he is playing with.

    In conclusion there are a lot of students who have teamwork, but I chosen Omari.

  9. V.I.C

    This month for V.I.C the character trait is leadership and teamwork. The person I know who should be V.I.C is Ezequiel. The First reason why I think Ezequiel should be V.I.C is that he is always doing the right thing. A example of him doing that is when he is in line he does not talk or run around everyone should follow his example. When he is captain he does not do everything himself we all share the same amount of work. That is teamwork because he isn’t doing every thing. When he is chosen to be on a team he tries his best if they don’t win he tells his team to just try harder. He is being a leader because he cheers everybody up. Therefore Ezequiel is suited to be V.I.C without a doubt.

  10. V.I.C

    For this month V.I.C the character trait is Teamwork.I am choosing Akira. I am choosing Akira because she is a good team player. For example when she plays basketball she doesn’t hog the ball and she doesn’t care whose team she is on. Another reason I am picking Akira even though people think she is bad at basketball because is a girl she doesn’t care and proves them wrong. Another example is when she asked Fernando if she could play he said no you suck but then I let her be on my team she was making more points then Fernando did after that Fernando wanted her on his team. Akira might look like she is not good at basketball because but when you really get to play with her she is really good never judge a person by what they look like. All in all I think Akira deserves V.I.C for this month.

  11. VIC

    Today for VIC I would like to vote for Kareesh because she is a role model, she is helpful, and she is a good team player. I would like to vote for Kareesh because she is a good role model. She is a good role model because she shows people the right way to go by putting the peace sign up, so that everyone would stop talking. Kareesh should be VIC because she helps others. She helps others because if anyone needs help she would be happy to help them. Kareesh deserves to win because she is a team player. She is a team player because she always cheers for everyone which means that she would work well with a team. As you can see, Kareesh deserves to be VIC.

  12. VIC-January

    For this month I choose Javier to be the VIC for the Teamwork character-trait. I chose Javier to be VIC because he always plays with me and the other classmates. He always plays soccer on my team. He also is never mean and rude to anyone. He never talks to anyone in a mean way. If he does something wrong or bad we know he didn’t mean to do that. Therefore I choose Javier be the kid to be VIC for the character-trait Teamwork.

  13. VIC- Teamwork
    For VIC I would like to recognize Akira. I chose to recognize Akira because when she helps her partner or her group that she is partnered with. When she helps us she explains to us very clearly. Another reason why I chose her is because when we are doing math she makes sure that we all show all of our work. She make sure that we have the correct answer and a good explanation for our answer. The second reason why I chose Akira is because she encourages others when the class has a math race. This shows teamwork because she trust the person that is doing the math problem in front of the class. All in all these are the three reasons why I chose Akira for VIC-Teamwork.

  14. V.I.C.
    For V.I.C. I want Ezequiel to be V.I.C. He is a person that plays with everyone. He is always does great things. My first reason is when we play outside he works with us in any game. He always lets us be in his team and lets us play. He never gets into fights with his team or gets angry with them. He always stays cool with his team and works with them outside. My second reason is that he works with others very kind. When he gets a partner he never looks sad or angry he just works freindly with that person. He always works with the people Ms. Adams assigns him. He works friendly with any person he get. He works with his team whenever he has to . He always works with his team and is a great person for that group. Any time he works with a partner he is always on task. When he works with his group he talks about the question, the answer or the thing we have to talk about.

  15. VIC- Teamwork

    Today for VIC we have to choose someone who shows Teamwork. Here are a few traits about Teamwork. To show Teamwork you have to be able to take the first step instead of waiting on others to do it. You should also be able to help others that need it.
    Okay today for VIC I chose RyRy because he is always willing to lend a hand whenever someone needs help. For instance he’ll help me understand my math without saying “That’s so easy!”.
    RyRy is a good friend to all of his classmates and others. RyRy cheers everybody on. When we are in a group and we do activities Ryan takes the first step. He does not wait on somebody else to do it for him. That’s what makes RyRy a good team leader. He is also a good example setter for others. He does not do bad things he does good things because he doesn’t want others to think it’s cool to do those things, and also around little kids because they are the little ones that we have to set examples for. RyRy has always done his best. That is what makes RyRy good at using teamwork.
    All in all RyRy show all the traits for Teamwork, and that is why I believe he should be our next VIC.

  16. VIC- Teamwork

    I think that Janeth should be VIC for teamwork. I think that Janeth should be VIC because she is a good leader. That is having leadership because she doesn’t just follow people around and doesn’t agreeing with what everyone says. Another example is that she helps other students. That is teamwork because she is using her time to help them. Last, Janeth should be VIC because she is willing to take the first step. She is willing to take the first step because when we do math and everyone has a different answer than her she will keep on explaining it until they agree with her. In conclusion, i think that Janeth should be VIC because she shows teamwork.

  17. V. I. C – Teamwork
    I think for today’s V. I. C on teamwork it should be Jonathan. I have known Jonathan ever since in kinder-garden and he as always work like teamwork. I think some reason that Jonathan should be voted to be V.I. C because he sets good example for others like he is behaving well in class he doesn’t do bad things that gets him into trouble like refusing to work with someone that he doesn’t want to work with but he will work with anyone in the class. He is also be willing to take the first step for an example in school when he is in the group and when the teacher asks a question Jonathan will be the first one to tell the answer to his group. The last reason is that he helps other students who need it like when the group was doing math at school I had a hard time understanding the math so I ask Jonathan and he help me then I understood the math and then he said that he knew that I was able to understand the math and never gave up on me. Jonathan is also a very good friend he has never been mean to me. All in all I think that my reasons shows that Jonathan should be voted for V. I. C on teamwork.

  18. V.I.C

    This month’s V.I.C is for Teamwork. There are many people to chose from ,but i think that Jarsen. One reason why I think Jarsen should be V.I.C because mostly every time we play pokemon he tries to make it fair and if he does or does not win be will be a good sport and sometimes he would help people.This shows that he has good teamwork because he is helping someone and they are a team. Another reason why Jarsen should be V.I.C is because when we play a game outside and we have teams he helps the team and supports the team. This also makes Jarsen have very good teamwork because you to be involved in the game and help your teammates. In our class there are many people that has that have good teamwork but I think Jarsen has the best.

  19. VIC for Teamwork

    For VIC this month’s character is Teamwork and I will be picking Payton. First reason, he is always helping his group and making sure everyone understands the question. Second reason, when ever he plays soccer with us he always makes sure to pass the ball. Third reason, he is always trying to help people who need help. Payton is always checking on his group and making sure they know how to explain a math problem. He helps and argues with his team till they get the answer. When he plays soccer with us he is always a good sport. He is not a bad sport and he lets everyone get the ball. Last, he helps students out. Like if someone falls he goes and helps them. In conclusion, i vote for Payton to be VIC because he is a very good team player.

  20. For VIC I think that Raynell should be VIC. He should be VIC because he makes teamwork wherever it is needed. For example one day on the field he made teams he passed it to me and i passed it back and we scored. Also he gets all of the people in the team playing. All in all Raynell should be VIC

  21. Teamwork

    For VIC I will choose Ezequiel because he is always nice and when we have to do something together he does teamwork. When we have to do a project together all of our group is teamwork. If we were playing a game with the whole classroom he plays like a teamwork with his group for the game that we are playing. when he is a teamwork person he is nice, kind, respectful, responsible, safe.

    every time we play a game he is nice, kind, respectful, safe, he follows the rules for the playground not to play tag, freeze tag, and other games we can not play. he plays teamwork with everybody in our classroom plays fair.
    Therefore, I am picking Ezequiel because he is a good teamwork.

  22. V.I.C

    For V.I.C-Teamwork I am picking Jonathan I am choosing Jonathan for V.I.C because I think that he is a team working person. For example he will help other students in class when they are having trouble doing the assignment. Here’s the claim when he’s done doing his work he goes around trying to help people with the work.He sets good examples for others by doing all his work.I know that because he sometimes finishes his work first. He be willing to take the first step here’s some evidence, when Miss Adams needs someone he basically always raises his hands so he can help out i know that because one time in class Ms. Adams needed someone to help a classmate so he raised his hand to help that classmate. Therefore, I am picking Jonathan for V.I.C.

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