WTRFG – Chapter 11 Response

Answer the following prompt in paragraph form.  Be sure to include a topic sentence (claim), examples/evidence from the text, and provide reasoning connecting each piece of textual evidence to your claim.  Type your response in Google Docs first before copying and pasting as a comment to this post.

At the end of chapter 11, Billy says, “If it had not been for the miracle of the lantern, my little dog would have met her death on that night.”  Later that evening, he asks his mother if God answers prayers every time one was said.  Do you believe miracles really happen to Billy, or does he solve his own problems?

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23 thoughts on “WTRFG – Chapter 11 Response

  1. Where the Red Fern Grows
    I believe that miracles do happen to Billy. I believe that Billy prays, so God hears his prayers, right before something that is very helpful or life saving happens. To begin with, when he prayed to God that he would give him the strength to finish cutting the big sycamore tree down, then a miracle happened. The miracle was that after Billy prayed the wind blew very hard and knocked down the tree. But the wind wasn’t blowing any other trees out in the field. Since the wind was only blowing the big sycamore tree it was probably because God heard Billy’s prayer and decided to do something about the tree. As I have said, miracles do happen to Billy.

  2. I believe that miracles really do happen to Billy.

    First, when Billy was cutting down the tree he asked god to help him and a miracle happened, while he was chopping the wind blew the tree down and Billy did not have to chop anymore.

    Second, when Little Ann almost died he couldn’t figure out how to save her until he asked God for his help. A miracle happened when he got the pole to get Little Ann.

  3. Where The Red Fern Grows

    I believe miracles do happen to Billy. For example when Billy prayed for two hound dogs Billy got the two dogs that he wanted. When the big sycamore tree fell it was tall enough to be pushed by the wind. When Little Ann was about to die God helped her. All in all that is why I think miracles do happen to Billy.

  4. WTRFG

    I believe that miracles happen to Billy. I believe in miracles for Billy because every day he prays to God and gives him lots of strength for the day of tomorrow. I also believe in miracles. I also think that Billy prayed before what happened to Little Ann. When Billy wanted the two hound dogs he always wanted, he prayed every day and two or three months later he got them. Another, reason that Billy prays every day is he wanted to catch coons and his dogs did. All in all this is why he always prays.

  5. Miracles are Real
    I believe that miracles are real and a miracle helped Billy save his dog, Little Ann. Miracles helped Billy find a way to save Little Ann and on page.118 in the story it says,”Then like a blinding red flash the message of the lantern bored its way into my brain and there was my miracle.”Billy got a miracle because he prayed from the heart and he believed. Billy needed to save Little Ann because she fell in the icy waters and her body would be paralyzed by the cold water. As you can see, a miracle helped Billy and miracles are real.

  6. Where The Red Fern Grows

    At the end of chapter 11 Billy says ““If it had not been for the miracle of the lantern, my little dog would have met her death on that night.” Later that evening, he asks his mother if God answers prayers every time one was said. Do you believe miracles really happen to Billy, or does he solve his own problems?
    I do believe miracles do happen sometimes. Like in a really tough situation or a life or death situation.I believe in miracles because it is the magic of our powers and our thoughts. It was a miracle that Little Ann survived the cold, freezing ice waters of the frozen winter lake. But Little Ann could’ve died if it was not for Billy’s smart thinking and his brilliant inventions.

  7. (Chapter 11 Response)

    In the story Where The Red Fern Grows, at the end of chapter 11, Billy says, “If it had not been for the miracle of the lantern, my little dog would have met her death on that night.” Later that evening, he asks his mother if God answers prayers every time one was said.
    I do think a miracle happened to Billy because he looked at the lantern after he prayed which was a major coincidence. So once he looked at the lantern it gave him the idea to swim into the river and fish his dog’s collar out of the river. The same thing happened to Billy when he was cutting the tree. He said there was no wind and that he was tired. Then he prayed and the next thing he knew was that a burst of wind had struck the tree and had fallen.

  8. When Billy saves Little Ann from certain death at the end of Chapter 11, Billy says this: “If it had not been for the miracle of the lantern, my little dog would have met her death on that night.” Billy believes miracles keep happening to him, yet I believe that he actually solves his own problems. Some of my evidence to support this is that the lantern is not a miracle. Billy not bringing the lantern with him was not a choice because it was very dark outside, and if he didn’t bring it, then he couldn’t go anywhere because he couldn’t see. As Papa said in Chapter 11, on page 112, it was slick and dark, and it was impossible to go without some source of light. By having to bring the lantern, which was needed to save Little Ann, he solved his own problem, not by a miracle. Another piece of evidence that supports that Billy solves his own problems is that when Billy wanted his dogs, he solved his own problems by hunting for things that would give him money for his dogs. In conclusion, Billy solves his own problems because he is always determined to complete things.

  9. Little Ann is very different from old Dan because he is slow at catching coons and little Ann is faster at catching coons that’s one things she’s good at and Billy is good at making people like him Ann is too so that’s one thing that Ann and Billy is good at and the mad because the lantern almost killed his dog little Ann or old Dan would of had made their death he would be no longer happy again if they die

  10. Billy has two dogs which are Old Dan and Little Ann. Little Ann is different from Old Dan because Little Ann is smarter than Old Dan. One day billy and his dogs went hunting and Little Ann caught lots of racoons and Old Dan didn’t catch many because Little Ann is smarter so she trapped the racoons. Billy’s mom wants a chicken to eat and Little Ann and Old Dan go hunt for it but Old Dan brings it without the meat so than little
    Ann brings alive how she wants it. Therefore Little Ann is smarter than Old Dan.

    Little Ann is better than Old Dan in hunting for food. Billy found both Little Ann and Old Dan on the streets. They are both incredible dogs and they both listen to billy and help him out. Little Ann and Old Dan might be the same type of dog but they are very different from each other in many ways. Old Dan is lazy and Little Ann is more active likes to explore.

  11. Where The Red Fern Grows
    I think miracles do happen to billy. He got lots of miracles with his puppies. Like he got $50 to buy the pups. And how he found the perfect names for them on a tree. How they always survive the danger.And how they killed lots of the coons with the pups as they grew older and older. He had fun with his pups every day.

    But when his dogs get injured he runs home to take care of them. He really does not like it when his dogs run ahead to track the trail and get injured. Like when Old Dan got stuck in a muskrat den or when Little Ann got hurt fighting a coon. His dogs like to hunt every time they go. It is a miracle how they survive all that danger.

    One really great miracle is when Little Ann was holding the edge of the ice so she could not fall in the water. She almost fell in but she was still holding on. She finally got out of the water with the help of the lantern billy picked up from the bottom of the river. He saved his pup. He knew it was a miracle on how she survived in all that time. It was the best miracle that has happened.

  12. At the end of chapter eleven Billy said “If it had not been a miracle of the lantern, my little dog would have met a death on that night.” Then Billy asked his mom if miracles really do happen?I believe miracles do happen with Billy.A miracle was shown when Little Ann got stuck in that icey water. She would have died if she had stayed for longer time. Another miracle that I believe happened to Billy was when he was cutting down the big Sycamore tree. He was so tired that he asked for a prayer and then a huge gust of wind had came and thus fell the Sycamore tree.These were some real shown miracles and not just him solving his own problems.

  13. Where The Red Fern Grows Response
    Miracles Happen

    I think that miracles happens to Billy. He was able to hook up his lantern from the river bottom because he needed it to help Little Ann. She was holding on to the very edge of the ice. He thought she slipped but she managed to grab on to the edge again and all he saw was her eye’s and her little red nose. As Billy stretched he managed to grab Little Ann’s collar. Old Dan started digging at the ice Billy’s feet wouldn’t move, they were stuck in the soft mud. He wrapped Little Ann in his coat and headed home. He got sick a few days later and didn’t talk about what happened to Little Ann, he asked his mom, does god answer prayers? she said
    ( ‘’ He only answers the ones that are from your heart ‘’). Another miracle was that when he was cutting the big sycamore tree it was windy and the wind blew it over and that is where they caught the first coon.

  14. CH 11 Response

    I think that miracles do happen to Billy because when that tree fell the wind came out of nowhere and knocked the tree down. So that means that GOD might have answer Billy’s prayers, then he asked her mom if God answers prayers to make sure. Hmm that weird.

  15. where the red fern grows
    I do believe in miracles because it helped him find his lantern and also found the dogs. And if he did not take the lantern his dog would of met her death. But I think a miracle happened because he found the lantern. And if he didn’t he would not found his little dog. So in this case the miracle helped him find his dog and find the lantern so I think that the miracle help him to find his dogs and his lantern. In this story Billy found his dog by a small miracle and found his lantern but maybe he help himself too by looking for the lantern. Therefore I do believe that miracles happen to Billy.

  16. “Where The Red Fern Grows”
    Chapter 11 Response

    In the story Where The Red Fern Grows, at the end of the chapter 11, Billy said, “if it had not been for the miracle of the lantern my little dog have met her death on that night”. I think that was just a miracle because Little Ann was chasing the coon and she fell. Then billy got her out by the lantern and a cane, then old Dan licked her face. That was a miracle because if little Ann fall she might die and it was winter. It was really dangerous because snow and winter is slippery so that’s why she fell when she was chasing the raccoon.

  17. Sometimes I do think that God does answer Billy’s prayers and I do think that sometimes Billy does some of his stuff on his own. I know that because in Chapter 11 Little Ann has almost died because of the frozen lake and Little Ann was stuck on the ice. And Billy couldn’t save her because if he would get on the lake the lake would have cracked and he will fall in the water and it will be freezing cold. And when he got out of the lake he prayed to God and he would pray for Him to save Little Ann. And when Billy found his lantern he turned it into a cane and saved little Ann. And that part he did it himself and with some help with God. Therefor, i think that God helps Billy and that Billy does some things on his own.

  18. Chapter 11

    I think that Billy’s dog did have a miracle. If it wasn’t a miracle poor little Ann would have died. Also if he haven’t had found stuff to sell to get his dogs. Also he gets help if he needs it. For example when he needs help to get little Ann healthy.

  19. In chapter 11 I think that It was a miracle how Billy saved Little Ann with the lantern.
    I think it was a miracle because when he looked at the lantern he found the idea to put it on the cane. Billy didn’t find the idea to do that until he prayed. Witch is one reason why I think it was a miracle.
    Another reason why I believe that it was a miracle was because when he was chopping down the tree he prayed for God to help him, then the wind came and blew the tree down. But when Billy went home his family said that they didn’t feel the wind at all.
    It could of had been a miracle because every time he prays whatever could of had gone wrong didn’t.
    I think that it was a miracle when Billy saved Little Ann.

  20. Chapter 11

    I think that it was a miracle because he got very lucky and Little Ann almost died so i would say it was a miracle. I think it is a miracle because he prayed for two hound dogs and he got what he wanted. A big sycamore tree that fell and almost killed Little Ann. Little Ann didn’t die because Billy prayed for Little Ann.So i think miracles do happen to Billy and his hounds.

  21. Where The Red Fern Grows

    I think miracles happen to Billy because if miracles didn’t happen to Billy Little Ann would have died. I think god answered Billy’s prayer. I think it was a miracle when Billy saved Little Ann with a lantern because how can somebody save a dog with a lantern. Also when Billy wanted a pup he prayed to god to get one then he got one. All in all I think a miracle happened to Billy.

  22. Chapter 11 Response
    Billy solves his own problems with luck and answers from god. When Billy wanted the pups Billy prayed to god to see if he can find a way to get them. When he was down by the river he found a magazine that had an ad that had hounds for sale. His prayers to god had found him a way to get the hounds. He worked for the money and got the hounds with the money he had worked for.

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