Supporting an Inference with Textual Evidence

Watch the video and complete the assignment at the end.  Remember to provide 3 pieces of textual evidence and analyze each using your own experience.  Write and edit your response in Google Docs first, then copy and paste into the comments.


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17 thoughts on “Supporting an Inference with Textual Evidence

  1. BEACH

    I think she is at the beach because she says she’s laying in the sand digging holes with her shovel. She noticed Seagulls and seagull are mostly at the beach.At the beach is where some people bring their snorkels.

  2. In the paragraph the person is at the beach. My evidence is that the person said “ i sat with my toes in the hot sand” so that means he somewhere at a place that has hot sand wich is the beach because at the beach there are hot sand so he must be at a beach. Also he said that he brought his bucket and pail with him so he must be making sand castles too. And another evidence is that when he turned around he saw that his sandwich was stolen by a seagull and so the person got the snorkel and the person headed into the waves. So the beach has hot sand, seagulls, and waves so this person is at the beach

  3. In the paragraph, my inference is that the girl is at the beach. One piece of evidence that supports this is that in the paragraph it says “I sat with my toes in the hot sand, digging a hole with my new shovel and pail.” I know that, from experience, when you go to the beach, you can bring a shovel and pail and dig. Another piece of evidence that supports this is that in the paragraph, a seagull steals her sandwich. From experience, I know that seagulls mostly stay around beaches a lot. The last piece of evidence that supports this is that when the seagull stole her sandwich, she grabbed a snorkel, and dived into the waves. Once again, I know from experience that when people go to the beach, they sometimes bring snorkels for swimming, so this supports my inference.

  4. Where am I

    In the video it said that we have to figure out where the boy was. He was on a beach. You can tell that he is on a beach because in the passage “I sat in the hot sand with my toes in the hot sand”. It also said that “I grab my snorkel and headed into the the waves.” Last it talks about seagulls you see them mostly at the beach.

  5. The girl was at the beach with her new shovel digging the sand.When she went to get here sandwich it was gone
    because a seagull took it. She grabbed her snorkel because the seagull took her sandwich and she went swimming.

  6. Textual Evidence ( where am i )

    I can infer that he / she was at the beach evidence that the narrator sat in the hot sand, was using a new shovel and pail, saw a seagull fly away with the sandwich, and that he /she was going snorkeling in the waves helped me find out where they were was. Also, from my experience at the beach there are seagulls everywhere and some people like to make sand castles with pails and shovels.

    Using textual evidence is a good way for finding clues of what people are doing, going, or at.

  7. In the paragraph it says “I sat with my toes in the hot sand.” The evidence in the text says it. Also it says I grabbed my snorkel (use to breath underwater) and headed to the waves. Then the seagull grabbed my lunch. That means he or she is in the ocean in the afternoon.

  8. I have found evidence that this story was taken place on a beach.Three of my supporting details are,he said that he was putting his toes in the hot sand and was digging holes with his new shovel.And there are a lot of animals at the beach,in the passage it said that a seagull grabbed the boys sandwich.The last piece of textual evidence is that he grabbed his snorkel and went into the waves.He grabbed his snorkel so that he could be under the water at the beach.

  9. Who am I

    I think that the boy/girl is on the beach digging for rocks or something. So the boy/girl brought a sandwich in case he/she gets hungry because he/she is digging. I know that he/she is in the beach because he/she says that his/her feet are in the hot sand, and that a seagull is took his/her sandwich. After the seagull took his/her sandwich he/her grabbed his/her snorkel and went into the waves.

  10. In the coast

    She is in the coast because it said that she was digging sand with a shovel. She also talks about seagulls that took her sandwich. Also seagulls live mostly in beach land. This is mostly what the video was about.

  11. The author is at the beach. The author stated that there was sand, waves, and a seagull which are all things at a beach. They also stated that they had a shovel, a snorkel, and a pail which are all things used to play and to do at the beach. Also the author said that they were putting their feet in the hot sand. The passage also states that the author used a snorkel to go in the waves, which waves are usually at the beach in the water, and try to get back their sandwich that the seagull stole from them. That’s how I know the author is at the beach.

  12. Where am I?

    There is three pieces of text that important from the passage and I’ll tell you all of them. By reading the passage I can infer that the boy is at the beach.
    First of all he says he is digging a hole with his new shovel and pail so that is one key detail that supports my inference about the boy being at the beach because the boy has a brand new shovel and a pail and is digging and he’s most likely digging in the sand.
    Second, the boy says that he turns around to get his sandwich and sees a seagull flying away with it which also supports my inference of the boy being at the beach because there is a seagull.
    Third, the boy says that he is hungry and has no food, so he takes his snorkels and dives into the waves. This also supports my inference because he is taking his snorkels and diving into the waves.
    Those are my three key details that support my inference that the boy is at the beach.

  13. The Beach

    There was a little girl/boy with her new shovel and pail that people would bring to the beach. When she was making a hole in the sand and sand is at the beach. When she/he got to her sandwich a seagull snached it and seagulls are at the beach. She/he didn’t have anything to eat so she grabbed her snorkel and headed to the waves and waves are at beaches.

    These are statements help tell you she/he is at the beach.

  14. In the passage the little kid is at the beach but it does not say that, I can tell because its says that¨I sat with my toes in the hot sand. You can infer that he /she is at the beach.Another thing is that it said ¨ In began to dig a hole in the ground with my new shovel then it says¨I turned around to grab my sandwich and and it was not there then I notice the seagull had took it.So the kid took his/her snorkel and went into the waves. My inference is that he /she is at the beach.

  15. Textual Evidence

    The boy in the short passage was at the beach. I can tell that the boy was at the beach because the passage says that the boy got his snorkel and headed for the waves and there is waves at the beach.The passage also said that the boy was sitting with his toes on the hot sand and there is sand at the beach. It also said that the boy turned around and saw a seagull take his sandwich and seagulls are usually at the beach.

  16. V.I.C
    I am voting for Ezequiel to be in the VIC because he is a really good friend, he is never mean, he respect other like friends. When I first meet him he was nice to me. Ezequiel is a good boy. The thing I like about him was that he never lies to me. He makes me laugh when I feel sad. His heart is good because he does all these good things which is why he is nice. So to be kind I am going to vote for him so he knows that all his friends think that Ezequiel is a really respectful boy.

  17. Where am I
    The boy is at the beach because there was a seagull and there are lots of them at the beach. You can also use a snorkel to play in or under water. He went in the sea because
    it said that he was heading to the waves. It also said he was digging a hole in the hot sand. There is lots of sand at the beach. Anyone can find all this stuff at the beach.

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