An Extraordinary Plant

Review “The Unusual Venus Flytrap,” “The Corpse Flower,” and “Against All Odds: Earth’s Fragile Pioneers” from your Ready Common Core books. Think about which plant you consider to be the most extraordinary.  What does it mean to be extraordinary? Which plant was most remarkable and why?

Write an argument to support your opinion.  Remember to include relevant evidence from the passages to support your argument and to organize your reasons clearly. 

Write your paragraph(s) in Google Docs.  After you have reread and edited it, please paste your response as a comment to this post.

Dividing Decimals

Need a little extra help with dividing decimals? What do you think of these videos by Smith Math Academy and Khan Academy? In what ways is each video helpful?  Which video do you think is better? Why? Are there any changes you think I (your teacher) would make to the videos if given the chance??

Hello 6th Graders!


Welcome to our classroom blog and your final year of elementary! In addition to class notes, lessons, video tutorials, and homework assignments, this blog will give you a platform for creating your own positive digital footprint!  Before any comment is posted, I must approve it for I am here to help you build that positive digital footprint! Approved comments/posts will follow the following rules of our digital classroom:

  1. We will always use complete sentences.
  2. We will pay close attention to proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  3. We will use academic and specific vocabulary, and avoid vague, “dead words.”
  4. We will protect our online privacy, using only first names and no personal information.
  5. We will avoid plagiarism.
  6. We will be respectful of all others’ ideas.
  7. We will use classroom-suggested sentence frames when commenting on or critiquing a classmate’s post.

I am extremely excited about this modernization to our classroom, and I’m looking forward to hearing your digital voice!