by admin | Oct 12, 2015 | Bullying, Cyberbullying, Upstanders, VoiceThread
Last week we posted resources to get you thinking about National Bullying Prevention Month and Digital Citizenship Week. This week we invite you to delve deeper into bullying issues and begin exploring the difference a single person can make by crossing the line from...
by admin | Sep 30, 2015 | Events
On Saturday, technology visionary Rushton Hurley blended educational insights, humor and inspiration in his opening keynote for EGUSD’s September Digital Kids, Digital Classrooms event. Rushton shared a number of thought-provoking tips during his Seeing...
by admin | Sep 15, 2015 | Digital Footprint
As we head into the new school year, we wanted to highlight several awesome opportunities for students to tackle current issues and make their voices heard…and build their digital footprints and ePortfolios in the process. Aikuma Project – In the process...
by admin | Apr 5, 2015 | Student Project
If your students have some thoughts to share on digital citizenship issues, please tell them about the 2015 Digital Citizenship PSA Challenge. This year marks the 4th year the Digital ID Project has sponsored the event. Students are invited to submit a Public Service...
by admin | Jan 6, 2015 | Common Sense Media, Infographics, Posters
With EGUSD’s recent deployment of Chromebook carts to all school sites, teachers now have more options for weaving technology into the school day and across the curriculum. As students tap into collaborative, online learning options, it’s a good idea to...