First Full Week

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Parents – I can’t thank you enough for getting us off to a great start! Your children came to school ready to learn with their supplies, forms completed, and even with extra donations for the class! Thank you for helping us kick off the year so fantastically. So what did we do?! We spent a lot of time getting to know one another and understanding classroom agreements for our community. Your child learned and practiced how we successfully serve as a listener and a speaker. They did their first oral presentation and introduced a new partner after interviewing him/her. They will be bringing home another presentation to prep for this week! 🙂 We worked on collaborative conversations with ALL students participating, as well as group work to demonstrate the BCM Way rules and expectations. Academically, we reviewed our sound spelling cards and played fun games to practice phonics skills and syllables. We began our first math chapter on Place Value and even had our first few hw assignments. And whoopsie…heard some excuses last week. Your child was well informed that I expect effort and accountability and I know we will have 100% completion this week. We practiced taking notes in our notebooks about genres and reflections, and finished up fluency assessments. I reminded them that skipping nightly reading is only cheating themselves, not me. And in more exciting news, tomorrow is the solar eclipse! While we will NOT be outside between 9:30 – 11:30 per a BCM agreement, we will have fun in-class learning activities planned and will watch via the NASA feed. I’m excited for another fun and busy week!