Friday Festivities

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Hello Parents! Tomorrow is going to be a fun and exciting day. We will be finishing up Red Ribbon Week with CRAZY hair day. I will also be sending home Unicef boxes so that your child can trick-or-treat for a good cause if you so choose to participate. All money is due on Monday.

We will also be having special rotation stations tomorrow. I welcome any parents who would like to help. This will take place from 10:40 – 11:40 and again from 12:25 – 1:25. Please email me at if you plan to pop in so that I can have a station assigned to you. You may also send in treats, but I ask that they not be sugar centered (perhaps orange things like carrots, cheez-its, or pumpkin seeds, dips, etc). Looking forward to a frightfully fun Friday! 🙂

Book Collection for Butte Fire Victims

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We are collecting new and gently used books for the fire victims in Butte County from October 5 – 16th. Please take a look over the weekend to see if there is something you could donate to help. Many of the displaced families include children who no longer have things to read. In fact, an entire school burned down and they need to replenish their library. If everyone donated just one book, we could donate 720 books! A special reminder note will be coming home on Monday. Thanks in advance for any support.