The number one thing we hear at conferences is that parents are struggling with Common Core and are unable to help their child. We designed this informational with hopes of helping you…
Understand Common Core Math Standards and Expectations
Learn to Help Your Child with Math
Learn Multiple Methods to Multiply
We understand many people work, but we are hoping you can take time to attend. Perhaps consider taking a late lunch, or informing your employer that this is a conference type event (they are required by law to give you time off). Maybe send an aunt or grandfather, or other person who assists with homework.
As mentioned at Back to School Night, the dates include September 21, 22, 23, or 24
2:45 – 3:45
You do not need to attend the workshop with your child’s teacher. You may attend whichever day works best for your schedule as the material will be repeated. However, Please sign in because we will have a class contest and the teacher that has the most parent attendance across the 4 days will earn their child’s class an Otter pop party.
Mrs. DeGuzman B5
Ms. Watts B2
Mrs. Yanez B4
Mrs. Jhattu B6