I’m bored…there’s nothing to do…

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If your child is *bored* this week, then I have a whole list of technology components they can access. 🙂 If you don’t have a computer, head on over to the public library, or visit a relative who does. 🙂

Think Central (Go Math)


Username: student ID#

        Password: school

 i-Ready (based on an individual reading and math test)


        Username: student ID #

        Password:  student

 MyOn Reader (expires in December)


        Username: student ID #

        Password:  EGUSD

 Brainpop (Fun for all subjects)


        Username: bcmes

        Password: bcmes

Thanksgiving Break

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There will be no school next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. All students should return on Monday, December 2. Take this time to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. I am so thankful for such a wonderful class and for such supportive parents. Thank you for making my job so wonderful!

Jury Duty Update

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We are still working out some details for my absence. The good news is that we did not have to cancel our field trip on Thursday. Yay!  In order to avoid the substitute guiding the class off campus, Mrs. DeGuzman, our other 4th grade teacher, will attend as the leading teacher along with Ms. Watts. We also have EIGHT fabulous chaperones! Thank you for planning to spend the day with the class. Please look for a note tomorrow with some important details.

I will need to reschedule most conferences. Since the courts are closed on Friday, I will be back and able to hold all those scheduled for the 22nd as planned. All others, I apologize for this inconvenience. I hope to have more info soon.

Jury Duty – Stay Tuned

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Parents – I have been selected to serve on a jury and my service will begin Monday the 18th and run through December 6th, with the exception of one Friday. I am currently working with Ms. Umi to resolve the issue of conferences and the field trip, so stay tuned. Mr. Seishas is a wonderful teacher and will take over in my absence. It is with sincere disappointment that I deliver this news and I apologize in advance for any inconveniences it may pose to your family. Unfortunately my civic duty calls….

Contest Winners!

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Woot, woot! Our class has been representing with some W’s! That’s right – we have been the big winners in some school wide contests. We decorated our door for Red Ribbon Week and won the intermediate popcorn party. Yes!  We also made hats with our buddies for the spirit rally and won the intermediate donut party. Yum!  And our very own Casey won the school-wide art contest for the Attendance Campaign. We are on a roll! Let’s work on getting those canned goods and boxes in for Kids Can and see if we can win the pizza party! If nothing else, we can feel good knowing we are helping those less fortunate this holiday season. 😉

Book orders – Thank you!

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Thanks for all of the book orders that have been coming in. Our top 3 purchasing readers are Mena, Kenneth, and Jessie. Not only are they getting fun books at great prices, but they are earning resources for our classroom! Due to the last order placed, we will be receiving a bunch of  FREE Thanksgiving and fall books for our classroom library. Thank you!!! We may have one more catalog sent home before our winter break in case people want to shop for the holidays! (Just an FYI – the school book fair has been canceled and rescheduled for 2014.)

Highlights Magazines

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Thanks to everyone who sent back those yellow forms at the beginning of the year stating if they would like to order the Highlights magazine. The company simply counts the number of responses and then provides FREE classroom incentives. This week I received writing prompt cubes that we have already used in workshop. We were also sent a Fraction game that we will use in math once we cover that topic. Lastly, each student received a glittery and fun bookmark. We actually had quite a few students actually order the magazine. Hopefully your child enjoys reading it in their free time. Thanks again guys!

Parents Needed in the Parking Lot

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In an ongoing effort to keep our students safe, we are starting the BCM Child Safety Super Star Club.  Each parent participant will receive a Club Card to get hole-punched for every hour you volunteer at the BCM parking lot.

They can accumulate volunteer hours either during the morning arrival and/or afternoon dismissal times. We have a  sign-in/sign-out folder for them at the office, the morning and/or afternoon they are volunteering.  Administration will assign them to a specific location to assist at.  Once they have fulfilled 10 hours of service, they will receive a special gift. 

 The purpose of the program is to try to get parents to:

  • Provide Curbside Service
  • Pulling Forward
  • Not Double-Park
  • Not Talk/Text on Cell Phones While Driving
  • Drop Off and Pick Up Students On Time

 The primary and intermediate teacher with the most participation at the end of each trimester will receive a gift card to spend on school supplies.