Fabulous Five for Fluency

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Fluency is something your child has been working on all year. The current goal is 123-151 for a check and 152 or above is a +. Based on beginning and end of year fluency readings I have some exciting news – growth has been made! I would like to recognize our fabulous five who made the MOST growth in the class…

Sarah Amate 110 words

Dayana Ruiz and 39 words

Jacqueline Duran 37 words

Ab Urrutia 31 words

Ashneet Rathore and Darius Davis 30words

No matter where a child started, the goal was to make gains in reading. Thank you to these five for going above and beyond to meet your goal! Tomorrow we are having a special read-in. Ms. Umi has requested the top 2 readers who made the most growth to join her in a tent outside. At 9:15 she will be reading to and celebrating with both Sarah and Dayana. Congratulations to all!

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