Florin High School students said no to cyberbullying on November 9, 2012, through t-shirts. At lunchtime, in the quad, students and staff used markers to write #UnfollowBullying messages on plain white t-shirts which students brought to school. In the cafeteria, students signed a pledge to unfollow bullying that was then placed on a giant sign […]
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#UnfollowBullying t-shirts at Florin High School
Posted by webmaster on Tuesday, November 13th 2012
category: Campaign Launch, Student Pledge
tags: #UnfollowBullying Campaign, Elk Grove Unified School District, Florin High School, Student Pledge
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#UnfollowBullying Campaign
9510 Elk Grove-Florin Rd.
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Ph: (916) 686-7732
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