Edward Harris, Jr., Middle School incorporated #UnfollowBullying into their school-wide anti-bullying campaign centered on the theme, “Be the Difference.” Once a month, the school has an anti-bullying focus. On November 8, 2012, that focus was on #UnfollowBulllying and compliments.
Staff and students wore the color orange, which is the school’s designated anti-bullying color. Students were encouraged to post positive comments online or to provide verbal compliments. As students enter campus they were greeted by students and staff who provided high-fives and compliments to start their day off right. In addition, throughout the day teachers greeted students at the door and allowed them 10 seconds at the beginning or end of class to give their neighbor a compliment.
“We think that oftentimes negative things are said or posted so we are trying to combat that by spreading positivity and posting positive comments,” said EHMS Activities Director Janice Escoto.
During Advocacy classes students filled out pledge cards to take a stand against cyberbullying. At lunchtime, when they turned the pledges in they were given #UnfollowBullying wristbands.